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Joe's POV

Being able to finally leave Georgia and go home to my actual house is so refreshing. And so is being able to sleep in as late as I would like.

I open my eyes and grab my phone seeing that it's already 3:00 pm but instead of getting up and starting my day I continue to keep my lazy ass in bed. After seeing that my Twitter timeline was extremely dry I check my Instagram notifications. Seeing that I have more tagged photos then normal I go through and check some. Most of them are zoomed in screenshots of what I commented under Mona's picture last night and I roll my eyes. People are so quick to assume.

An hour later I finally get up and start my day better late then never. Today's the day I get to my boys in post animal after not touring with the band in 5 months. We decided to meet in the studio so we can talk and discuss our music now that I don't have to be filming anything.

When I get there I see them all tuning their instrument and laughing and it really hits me how much I missed these idiots.

"Hey losers," I walk in ready to catch up on all of their crazy tour stories.

I get a hug from all of them and grab my guitar. As I sit down and start to tune it the boys ask me questions about filming and the cast, "So are you sure you can't tell us any secrets before the show comes out?" I laugh it off.

After talking to them about a few of the scene they ask me a question I thought I wouldn't have to worry about, "So how was filming with Sandy? Anything happen?" They grin ear to ear waiting to hopefully hear something interesting but unfortunately there's nothing to tell.

"Sorry dudes, hate to disappoint but nothing happened."

They all boo but Wesley speaks up and asks, "Well what about Mona? I've seen some posts about you two recently?"

"Mona and I are really good friends actually. I'm honestly going to miss her the most." I say thinking about it.

They all look at each other before starting warm ups. I join them and finally feel at home again.

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