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Joe's POV 

When I agreed to come on this trip I thought it would be an ideal time for Sandy and I to talk about the interview and what she said in the trailer but all we've done is ignore the situation even more. She's doing a great job of pretending I don't exist and I'd like to think I'm doing a great job of pretending it doesn't affect me. Mona is the only person who really knows how much this sucks to me. I told Dacre the whole story before we left for the trip and Charlie already knew about everything but I feel like they aren't as concerned about my situation as Mona is. 

This past week I could see Mona trying to get Sandy to talk to me and say something more than just, "hi," or "how was your day," but she refuses too. Her stubbornness at this point is infuriating and makes me question how I could even like her in the first place. If I had known how everything would've turned out I would've held my tongue at Comic-con. 

Right now our whole group is crowded in the kitchen making breakfast. I could see Mona sitting alone while Sandy and her friends were singing and dancing making their pancakes. I sit next to Mona and she gives me a sad look, knowing what I'm upset about, "I'm sure she'll come to her senses soon. I'm convinced she likes you she just doesn't know how to show it," she says reassuringly.

"Honestly I don't want it to happen anymore," I say slowly thinking about the words that just left my mouth.

She looks at me confused and asks me to explain. 

"Like I said a few days ago I don't want to be with someone who clearly doesn't care about me and if she keeps acting like this there's no point in me continuing to go after something so out of reach." 

Mona's face looked disappointed but understanding, "I'm sorry," she says not really sure if there's anything else she can say, "I could see how much you really liked her." 

"It's fine really. I just want to thank you again for what you did." 

"I just wanted to be able to see you two happy together. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it with her? I can't guarantee she won't be stubborn but at least she'd hear you out," Mona offers, trying not to give up.

But I shake my head, "You don't need to," I say as I reach for my phone, wanting this conversation to be over.

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