The Wait

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Joe's POV

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit," I scream as I look at the time realizing how late I am. It's 8 am and I was supposed to already be at the studio for the promotional pictures at 7. I don't know what I did for karma to bite me in the ass today but I sure do regret it.

I quickly snatch my phone from my bed side table and dial Ross' number and explain to him that I'll try and get there as fast as I can. I put on the first outfit I can find, brush my teeth, and run my fingers through my messy hair. I look disgusting.

I jump into my uber and subtly hint at the driver to speed but he doesn't pick up what i'm trying to put down and instead drives 20 mph. Instead of telling to him to drive faster I take the time to try and make myself look more presentable.

Not only was today already stressing me out but now that I look a lot worse than I normally do I'm twice as upset. This is not the way to make a good lasting impression on anyone let alone the girl I already basically embarrassed myself in front of. I just really hope she hasn't seen the comic-con interview.

After what feels like ages the uber finally pulls up to the studio and I thank the driver and slam the door. I hesitate before pulling the door open wondering if it's too late to turn around and go back home. Shaking my head at myself I pull the door and head inside.

The Duffer brothers stand inside and look towards me sighing in relief, "Hey bud thank god you made it, we were just about to start."

Matt dragged me into the hair and makeup room and that's when my heart dropped out of my ass.

She was there.

The room had been filled with laughter but as soon as I stepped in it died down.

"JOE there you are, what took you so long you loser. Was your hair not cooperating?" Finn said winking obviously trying to embarrass me.

I grabbed his tiny head and ruffled his hair instead of saying anything which pissed off the hair ladies.

I said hi to all the other kids and cast and finally it was my turn to say hi to Sandy and Mona.

I stuck my hand out but regretted right after when I realized how much I was shaking, "Hi I'm Joe Keery," Mona shook my hand and I prayed that she didn't sense how nervous I was.

"Sandy and I have been waiting to meet the legendary Steve Harrington," She said with sarcasm and let go of my hand. I let out a nervous laugh not knowing how to process her 'hello'.

Then I stuck my hand out towards Sandy. She shook it and started to laugh. At first I thought it was at me or something about me and I panicked when she said, " Can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course," I say mentally face palming because my response is way too formal.

She doesn't seem to notice and continues to ask, "Is it hard being a single mother of four?"

She can't help but burst out laughing and I join her now that I'm relieved she didn't bring up comic-con.

here | joe keeryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora