Season 3

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Joe's POV

6 am is way too early to be awake let alone be outside of your house AND let alone be at work, but yesterday the Duffer brothers called the whole cast and said they needed our opinions for casting new people for Season 3. Walking into the office I see everyone else falling asleep in their seats with blankets draped around them. The meeting was supposed to start at 6:00 but it's now 6:10 and the Duffer brothers have yet to be seen. As I was about to go get another coffee Matt walked into the room and Ross followed shortly after. They both were carrying thick stacks of paper and had wide grins on their faces.

"I'm sorry we called you all so last minute but we wanted to take all of your opinions into consideration," Matt said oddly cheerfully. "For the past couple of weeks we've had numerous amounts of people send in audition tapes for the new roles in Season 3 and we've managed to narrow it down to 3 options per character." 

While Matt continued to talk Ross handed out sheets to everyone that had the new character's and their descriptions of them. 

I read the sheet carefully: 


Steve's new love interest when she moves to Hawkins, government official's daughter, complimentary opposite character to Lexi (sister)


Madison's sister, complimentary opposite of Madison, opposed to Steve and Madison

I was kind of grateful Steve was receiving a new love interest because after two whole seasons of Steve trying to go after Nancy it was starting to causing some real-life awkwardness between Charlie and me.

"Now what you've all been waiting for, Ross is going to pass out the headshots of the potential actresses and we will play their tapes and at the end, we will have everyone vote and come to the conclusion of our new cast members!" Matt said ready to begin the selection process.  

Millie was the first person to receive copies of the headshots and she looked down at them shocked but her reaction quickly disappeared as she giggled and waited for the rest of us to receive them. Slowly Ross handed out the copies until it was my turn. He handed me a stack of 6 pictures (3 for each character). 

I slowly look at each picture and place it down on the table in front of me so I can go through all the options when suddenly my heart stopped. Sandy was a runner-up for Madison.

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