Chapter 22

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“California?!” Ian blurted out during dinner. We were having a casual talk when Bailie suddenly said she wanted to go before going back to Manila, which is like in two days. I know Ian’s having second thoughts because it is bad enough that she’s having nightmares. But then again, I think this might actually help her. “ know, visit grandma and may friends…” she said. Ian looked at me and I gave him a “IDK-DON’T-LOOK-AT-ME” look. He sighed, “I’ll think about it. Anyway, you’re birthday’s coming up. What do you want to do?” “I don’t know…make new memories, I guess.”

“So, what do you think?” he asked while we were sitting on the porch.

“About what?”


“I don’t think it’s bad idea. It might help her pa nga. Maybe she needs closure, and her parents are buried there, right? It might be good for her.”

“But what if it doesn’t work out?”

“Don’t worry, it will.”

“Fine. Pero sama ka ah” he said with a cute grin on his face.

I sighed, “you know I can’t, babe. Baka wala na akong balikan na trabaho kapag nag-extend pa ko.”

“But you’re the boss, right? Please please please please please pleeeaassseeee”

I laughed at his cuteness, “I’ll see ah, but I’m not promising anything.”

“Yes! And then straight to France?”

Oh, France, I almost forgot about that. Ian told me about the European expansion of their company and the launch is about a week from now. I sighed, “I’ll see nga diba?” “Sus, I know naman that means sasama ka rin. Di mo kaya ako matiis.” “Ang yabang mo talaga!” “Love mo naman.”

I could still remember making calls to Manila, trying to fix my schedule, and now we are at the airport waiting for our flight to California. “This is crazy!”  my inner goddess said. Well, I guess the good part is I’ve got an extended vacation, and hey, who doesn’t like Cali, right?

Bailie’s maternal grandparents warmly welcomed us into their lovely home. “I’m so happy you could visit us here again, my angel” she said to Bailie. “Of course, granma, you know I like it here.” Their house was one of those typical upper middle class house, but it has a different vibe – the “grandparents vibe”, if that even makes any sense. “Oh, Aunt Grace, this is Rachelle, the love of my life” Ian said. “Oh, what a lovely lady, and a lovely couple indeed. Oh wait, do I hear wedding bells?” she teased and proceeded to the kitchen. Ian and I looked at each other, a little bit embarrassed. “You guys better get settled down, in your rooms. Bailie knows where that is.” “Yup! You got it! Let’s go love birds.”

“My brother and his family used to live about five blocks away from here, but it was already put on sale when they died” he said as we were trying to get a little rest in our room. “Really? Isn’t Bailie suppose to inherit that?” I asked. “I don’t know. That’s what his will said, but she did inherit their Manila house. It’s a big one but she doesn’t know that yet, she’s too young to know.” “And too young to care.” “Exactly.” Before we even realized, we both fell asleep. I really like this feeling – when you know you’re with someone you love and you get to stay close to each other and talk about anything.

I woke up and noticed that the sun was about to set. Ian was still asleep beside me, but I decided to head to the kitchen and hopefully be able to help Aunt Grace prepare our dinner. But then, I heard something from the living room. I’ll come back when you call me, no need to say goodbye. It’s a familiar song, but it seems like a different person was singing. I went in there and saw Bailie watching a video on the television. Just because everything’s changing doesn’t mean it’s never been this way before. From what I can see, it’s a like a montage of photos and videos of her and her family. It’s a shame, they looked so happy, like the picture of a perfect family. Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light. I noticed that Ian was already beside me. I rested my head on his chest as I get teary eyed watching the rest of the video. Let your memories grow stronger and stronger til they’re before your eyes. You’ll come back when they call you, no need to say goodbye. The song ended and there was a video message. “Hi, my angel! Happy Birthday! I hope you liked my surprise” said the lady on the video. She’s probably in her early 30’s, she has blonde hair, blue eyes, and the most beautiful smile. “That’s her mom” Ian whispered. “No matter what happens, I want you to know that I love you very very very very much. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to us; the best gift from God. I am so proud that you grew up to be a strong, smart, talented, caring and loving girl. Always remember that daddy and I are always here to support you no matter what you want to achieve in life. I will always be your number 1 fan. I love you, my angel! Happy Birthday” the video ended.

“I finally found it” Bailie said as we sat beside her. “I knew mom had something for me. She didn’t get to give it to me personally, but I found it. I finally found it.” Ian and I both knew that she’ll be alright. We just knew she will be. “My mom’s a great singer, isn’t she?” “Yes, she is, love” Ian assured her.

Our 4-day stay in California included a mini reunion for Bailie’s maternal relatives, a couple of visits to her psychologist, shopping, good food, visiting her parents’ graves, and Bailie having sleepovers with her best friend Peyton. It’s cute because they’re already planning to attend the same college together, Stanford – their dream school. They’re both swimmers, so they’re expecting recruitment letters. “But in case it doesn’t work out, we could still go to UCLA” they said to us.


Ian’s side

“I think it’s about time” I thought to myself. “Hey! You said you wanna make new memories, right?” I asked Bailie. “Yes, why?” she responded with her still locked on the book she’s reading. “Well, I need you to help me plan something.” Keep talking.” I told her my plan and we immediately did some brainstorming. We only have a few days to plan and get things ready so we better pull this off.

 “How about Machu Pichu?”

“Nah. Too tiring”

“Monte Carlo? Budapest?”

“Nope. Maybe just somewhere in France or somewhere really close.”

“Hmm. How about The Place de Furstenberg? It’s really beautiful there.”

“Nah. It’s gonna work. That place is too small.”

“Ah! Pont des Arts! That’s it! Pont des Arts! It’s perfect! I mean, c’mon, it’s the perfect place. The beautiful lighting at night, the view of the Eiffel Tower, the lock of love, Institut de France.”

“I’m not sure how Institut de France is romantic, Bay”, I laughed.

“Never mind that. Who doesn’t like Pont des Arts? I mean, it’s where Big got together with Carrie in the final episode of Sex and the City, and where Liam Neeson leaps off near the end of Taken. See? Everybody wins!”

I thought about it for a second. Regardless of the movie references, Pont des Arts could just be the right place – the perfect place. “Okay. Pont des Arts it is!” “Yes! Oh my gosh, I’m so excited!” she squealed.

I immediately made calls and arrangements. “Well, it’s great to have connections” I thought to myself. Bailie, on the other hand, was also very hands on. I could say 60 of the entire thing was her idea, to be honest. I admire her creativity. I am excited, but mostly nervous. I hope everything works out. 

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