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"Speak," my heart will plead.
Just a little word, is all I need.
To hear your voice up in the air,
Spoken casually, without a care.
Yes all I need is a little sentence
Along with a few of these lonely minutes,
And my mind will simply fill in the rest,
Because it thinks that it knows best.
No matter your choice of word,
Whether it's lovely or terrible or totally absurd,
It'll twist into some other shape,
A nightmare of thoughts that I can't escape.
Even if it's what I wanted to hear
It'll be turned into the very thing I fear.
But I need to hear just one word from you
Please, I'm begging, if only you knew
I just need to know if you're still there,
Just need to know if you still care.
But whatever you say it won't be enough
Because my mind will fill the blanks with dark stuff.
This is the curse of a mind like mine
No really, it's okay, I'm fine (not fine).

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