In the End

22 8 3

Things are so rushed,
messy and frantic
The decisions we make,
they are going to be gigantic.
But it'll be worth it,
I believe
And we'll have no need
To have cards up our sleeve.
I'm frustrated and scared,
Oh, how I'm scared.
But at least we can say
that we're the ones who tried,
the ones who dared,
And oh, how we dared.
If in the end,
it's not like fairytale,
That's okay.
If in the end,
All is not so well,
That's okay.
Fate is eccentric
Odd, and strange.
And the paths we take
Are subject to change.
No matter what happens,
How it looks, feels, or seems,
We'll never be apart for long,
Because it is our love that teems.
So if by chance
I must return to the old
It won't be long before our future
Will once again unfold
A story unlike any other
Of two lovers ripped apart,
Who fought for what they loved,
And what they'd wanted from the start.
And we'll find each other
For the last time, once again,
we'll be ready for it all
And live a happy The End.

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