Chapter 3

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Being up early was something you hated more than anything else, even more than spiders. You had to get used to getting up early in order to wake everyone up and make breakfast for them. You were used to sleeping until 11am, but now you had to get up at 04:30 almost everyday.

As you turned the alarm off, you noticed a text from your father. You looked at the screen for a while and opened the book beside where your schedule was. First thing was to wake the boys up, but you decided to make breakfast instead. It couldn't be that hard, could it?

"What kind of breakfast should I do.. American? Korean?" you said to yourself while looking for ingredients in the fridge. You decided to make something Korean since the guys were used to it. You made a big breakfast and put everything on the table as it was done. You cleaned after yourself so the kitchen would look good. You looked at the clock and decided to wake everyone up.

You entered Kihyuns room and started to wake everyone up. You looked at the sleeping Wonho before turning around. Something you knew beforehand was that Wonho was the most cutest and good-looking guy in the mornings. You walked over to Hyunwoo(Shownu) who slept with bare chest.

"Wake uuuuuup" you said. He moved a little but turned around when he knew what was going on. You sighed and searched for Kihyun and found him sleeping with his mouth open. You pushed him on the shoulder and he closed his mouth making a cute sound. You laughed and did it once again making him open his eyes. He looked at you for a moment before turning around. You sighed and went to the younger ones instead.

"Changkyun wake uuuuuuup... You too Hyungwon" you said and looked at Minhyuk who slept peacefully. You looked at him for a while. You poked him on the arm a little.

"Minhyuk, wake up" you whispered. He moved a little before opening his eyes. He looked at you and slowly sat up. You looked at him surprised and realized that you got one to wake up. You tried waking the other two up but there was no reaction. You sighed and looked at Minhyuk who was sitting with his eyes closed.

"Are you awake?" you asked and poked him on the arm. He nodded his head and got down from his bed and quietly woke the other ones up. They sat up and started to fix themselves.

"I got food ready for you outside, okay? I'll go out and wake up the others" you said and walked over the to the older ones again. Minhyuk followed you and helped you waking everyone up. Wonho sat up in his bed and looked adorable. You smiled for yourself for some seconds before seeing Minhyuk leaving. You wanted to thank him, but with everyone walking around it felt wrong.

Everyone was gathered around the table eating in the early morning. It seemed like everyone was too tired to speak and you sat down looking at everyone as you read the schedule for yourself in the book you had in your hand.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Wonho asked looking at you. Everyone was looking at you and you shook your head.

"No, I'll eat when you're done and in the van" you said with a smile. Minhyuk got up on his feets beside you and walked over to the kitchen counter and got a new bowl of rice and something else. You had your eyes on him the whole time, like no one else existed in this world. There was something with him that made you frustrated, but still curious. How could he be nice and helpful, but also a jerk at the same time?

He put the bowl on the table infront of you and sat down looking quite irritated. You looked at him and didn't know how to respond, But soon enough you didn't have to answer either.

"Eat" he demanded and used his chopsticks and put a piece of kimchi in your mouth. You chewed it slowly and stared at him for a while. He was eating his food and everyone else was quite surprised of what he did too. They started to talk a little about todays schedule and you ate up your food as fast as you could in order to start washing the dishes. You got up from your seat and started to wash everything.

# Living with MONSTA X # [MINHYUK]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz