Chapter 1

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It was the 14th of February 2004 on a Tuesday night, you had just blowed out the candles after clapping your hands to the birthday song. Your parents looked at you with different expressions than they usually did on that special day every year. It was your birthday, you had just turned 10 years old.

"Happy birthday Angie" your aunt said as she gave you your gift. You looked at it for a while before putting it away. Something was wrong and you didn't want to open your gifts until the word was out. You looked at your parents who told you to open everything.

"What's wrong?" you asked holding your arms crossed over your chest. You gave your parents the serious look, waiting for an answer. Your mother looked at your father waiting for him to answer your question. You looked up at him.

"Me and your mom has been on bad terms for a while now, and decided to get an divorce. I'm moving back to Korea in the end of the week since my new job starts on Friday" he said quietly. You stared at him for a while before walking away from them and into your room.

Later that night you heard your parents talk about this girl he had been dating under their marriage. From that day you hated him. And even now 2017, you felt the same hate. You were a daddy girl until you 10th birthday, and also the last birthday you celebrated. But you didn't know that you now had to live together with your father in Korea.

Your P.O.V:

"Welcome to South Korea" the lady next to me said as she looked at me. I looked at her and smiled as my eyes turned to the window once again. Arriving to the right gate felt like forever since the airport was big. But when I finally had my bags, I felt relieved. It wasn't everyday that I was in the country of my own origin and also of my beautiful idols.

I walked towards the arriving hall feeling tired and just out of space. As soon as I came out I saw him, the man that I'd been hating for 13 years. The man who destroyed my birthdays every year. I looked at him and slowly walked towards him. The smile on his face was bigger than the airport itself.

"Welcome home my beautiful daughter" he said as he gave me a warming hug. I bowed slowly and looked around wondering why I was here. No one had told me the reason of me moving to Seoul. My mother got angry at me for getting an VG on the exam, and called my father. After that I came here.

"So, which hotel are we going to?" I asked as we walked out to a big black van. I stared at it for a while quite speechless. My father looked at me and put the suitcases in the back.

"Angelina, I have something to tell you" he said as he closed the back door. I looked at him and nodded my head waiting for his little speech. He sighed and opened the door.

"Get in first" he demanded. I sat down in the front seat and closed the door. I looked back at the 7 seats behind studying them.

"This van is way too big for you, is it your car from work?" I asked. He nodded his head as we drove to Seoul from Incheon.

"So Angelina, we're not going to a hotel! You have a mission and that's basically why you're here"

"Oh so my father didn't miss me? Surprised..not"

"Watch your tongue"


"I work at this Entertainment company where I am the manager of a group"

"Like kpop idols?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, but here's the deal. I'm going on a business trip for 5 months and you're going to be helping me here in Korea. You won't be driving or taking care of their schedule, but you're going to live in their dorm with your own room where you clean, cook food and just watch them."

"M..Me? Oh god.. I don't like bitchy girls you know.. "

"Don't worry.. There won't be any bitchy girls. But I just have to warn you. They are crazy, like literally crazy. So it's like watching kids. And since today is your arrival day, I thought that you would get home and get comfy. So your work day starts tomorrow morning" he said as he looked at the road. I stared at the window not knowing what to say or what to think. I looked like hell and probably smelled like garbage. I didn't want to meet a famous group today of all days.

"Which company?" I asked curious.

"Starship" he answered smiling.

"STARSHIP! MY FAVOURITE KPOP BAND IS IN STARSHIP! GOSH YOU'RE KIDDING ME?!" I screamed making him jump a little, and almost crashing into another car.

"You're into Korean POP Culture?" he asked and looked at me surprised.

"Yes.. please let me play their songs in the van?" I asked and kept my begging hands in the air. He laughed and gave me the cord to the radio. I put on MONSTA X "Dramarama" and danced to it. I could feel my father switching his moves in different directions as he seemed stiffer than he was from before. I was just going to say something when he stopped the car. I looked out seeing houses everywhere.

"We're here" he said. I walked out of the car and looked around studying the view of everything. We walked up to the apartment in silence and a nervous feeling started to hit my stomach. He locked up the door and a millions of boy shoes was standing there. I walked into the dorm and helped my father with the bags. It smelled perfume, but good ones and the dorm was cleaned, except for the shoe part. But something that made me curious was how quiet it was. I was expecting it to be full house, and also full of girl shoes.

"Welcome home Angelina" father said when he closed the door. I looked at him confused and thought I was in the wrong dorm.

"Uhm.. where are the girl stuff?"

"Here's the thing.. You're going to live with boys"

"Alone? Alone with boys? Dad.."

"Don't worry.. their probably afraid of your attitude" he said when he walked to my room. I looked around in it while smiling for myself. Even though I didn't know which boyband it was, I was still happy. My room was decorated in a fancy way with white and grey colours. A gift was on the bed together with a plushie. Apparently he was going to be called Monster according to the note. I smiled and sat down on the bed.

"Pack up your stuff and take a shower! The boys will get home by two hours"

Getting used to the Korean style of living was something I had to get used to, the part where big spiders wouldn't walk up to me. And the place where you could go to 7Eleven just to eat noodles. It was a whole new world in Korea, something that no one else wouldn't understand. But I liked it, I loved Korea. The most of my Korean friends didn't like Korea at all, but I guess something made me like it. Maybe it was since I didn't go there very often.

A door was closed outside and voices filled the dorm with both laughs and screaming sound. I looked at myself in the mirror with a disgusted look. Even though I showered, fixed my hair and put some makeup on, I still ended up ugly.

"Angelina, come out please" I heard my father say. I walked out of the room slowly and saw some boys on the floor and some were sitting on the kitchen counter. I walked to the living room where my father was standing.

"What is it father?" I asked.

"Oh a girl" someone said.

"Boys you have heard about my daughter who's going to stay here while I'm gone. She won't take care of your schedule, but will live here and keep an eye on you. But don't order her to do stuff, she's the one who should order you around. So this is Angelina. Angelina this is MONSTA X" he said and turned me around to the boys who were now standing up looking at me. I bowed not listening to my father until I saw the faces of the guys in my dream.

" Oh shit!!" I exclaimed.


Chapter 1 is out.
I decided to make this chapter pretty short since the first chapter always is boring. The members will show up in Chapter 2.
I hoped you like it and please leave a small comment if you do.

/ Author "Anonymous"

# Living with MONSTA X # [MINHYUK]Where stories live. Discover now