Chapter 2

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Silence took over the room before a pain was left on your head. You turned around looking at your father wondering why he hit you.

"Be formal towards the boys" he said and apologized for your attitude. You swallowed and looked at the boys slowly studying them one by one. They were real. All of them were real.

"Hello, I'm Angelina! I'm sorry to be intruding your privacy, but since my father decided this on his own..." You said but the guys started to talk.

"I'm Changkyun" your beautiful bias wrecker said and bowed with a smile. You bowed and got to say hi to everyone. There was one of the guys that you were nervous to meet, even though he wasn't your bias. Minhyuk

"I'M THE WORLDS HAPPY PILL MINHYUK" he screamed scaring Jooheon. You laughed at the reaction and bowed. You smiled towards him and he seemed to be the happy guy that everyone talked about. But at the same time as you were excited to meet him, You still felt nervous against his playful side. You were weak for the side you always watched on social medias.

"I'm actually going to leave you here now, I have a flight to catch" your father said. He said goodbye to everyone and you followed him to the hallway.

"Are you just going leave me here?" you asked with a worried expression.

"Yes, I'm sorry love. But please take care of them for me" he said. And there you were left alone with 7 boys. You turned around facing Wonho who studied your face. You gulped by how close he was.

"You're really beautiful.. I was expecting something else" he said and smiled. You smiled little and bowed before walking past him seeing Minhyuk walking your way. You smiled towards him, but he looked serious as he walked past you, like he didn't care about your existence. You made a weird expression.

"He's always like that, don't worry!" Kihyun said as he gave you a cup of water. You looked at him for a while.

"Isn't he the happy virus?" you asked.

"On screen yes, but the past year he's been like that" Jooheon said looking at his phone. You nodded your head looking toward his room. You walked to the fridge while looking for something to eat. You walked to your suitcase and took one of your cookies and put that on a plate together with some milk chocolate.

"good luck" Jooheon said laughing. You sighed at walked to Minhyuks room. You knocked on the door but didn't get an answer. You walked into the room seeing an empty bed. You put the plate and the cup on the table beside the bed. You turned around to walk out, but was stopped by a wet dark haired Minhyuk who only had a towel around his waist. You were centimeters from your lips touching and you gulped and stared at him as he put his hand beside your head.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I.. I was just going to leave some snacks for you to eat"

A heat washed over your body as you looked into his beautiful brown eyes. You didn't know what to do. Here you were nervous about him being a total joker, and now your heart beats harder than it should be.

"Don't go into my room without my permission" he threatened and hit the hand at the door making you jump. You nodded slowly and tried to get away.

"But.. I got you cookies and milk chocolate.. "

"What do you think of me? Don't you see that I try to make this body stay?" he asked with a dead ass serious look.

"Jerk" you whispered and was about to walk out of the room.

"Stalker" he said making you turn around. Game on

"You know what? I'm not your stupid stalker! But I am your managers daughter and also a Monbebe, who loves this band more than anything else. But something I've realized today is that you're out of the picture" you yelled and you walked into your room as you slammed the door shut. Some seconds later Minhyuks door was slammed shut too. And in the living room there were 6 boys who looked at each other questioning what just happened.

# Living with MONSTA X # [MINHYUK]Where stories live. Discover now