Chapter seven- All In My Head

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I saw Emily whisper to Jay something and headed upstairs. I wonder what she told him. Is she not feeling well?

"Nath. Did you hear what I said?" Becca said as if she was annoyed.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't start on the project yet. Did you?"

"Yeah. Do you need help? We can work on it together. Since Greg is free tomorrow you can come." Becca said excitedly.

"Oh. Wouldn't Greg be mad since I'm intruding on your date. I don't want to be the third wheel again." When Greg and Becca are together, they're attached to the hip.

"Aww, come on. We are in love. Can't help it. Maybe you should try that sometime." Smiled Becca.

"What are you talking about? I fall in love. It just hasn't worked out so well, that's all."

"Right. Whatever you say Nath. Then why'd you bring me here, when you like that Emily girl?"

I was shocked that she caught that. "Is it that obvious?"

"Dude. It's super obvious. I'm surprised she didn't catch on."

I smiled. "Maybe she doesn't shear the same feelings?"

Becca looked at me and shrugged. "Maybe, but it doesn't look that way."

Everybody was in their own world. The girls and boys were arguing what to do. Everybody going upstairs and downstairs and everywhere around the house. But Emily hasn't come down yet.

"Movies or music, guys?" someone yelled to get everybody's opinion.

"Why don't we play some music and play a game since we are here to hang out. Then when we are tired of seeing each other's faces, we can watch a movie." I said suggested loudly.

They looked at me and then looked at each other.

"Smart thinking bro!" Tom said and looked at the other girls. They nodded and Gabe headed to the sound system to play his Pandora.

I noticed Jay look at his phone and headed upstairs too. Maybe Emily texted Jay to meet her there. Jealousy started to run through me.

I looked at Gabe to see if he noticed, but the girl he was interest was next to him trying to figure out what playlist to play. They looked happy and nervous at the same time. I turned to see Max talking to Becca and Caren and Siva and Tom with their girlfriends mixing drinks.

Since the group of people moved to different parts of the house, I decided to go upstairs. I couldn't help myself. This Jay and Emily thing being upstairs together is bothering me.

Luckily, Ive been to her room the night before so I know which door is hers. Emily's room isn't visible from the downstairs so I wouldn't look like a stalker freak with my ear attached to her door.

I put my ear against her door trying to listen to what they were doing. I heard a faint voices but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Maybe I shouldn't listen anymore.

I heard someone trying to turn the knob of the door next to Emily's room. I panicked. I gotta hide! I turned around and went into then room across Emily's. I stood behind the door when someone came in.

"Ugh. So much clothes, yet I have nothing to wear. Can't I just stay in my pjs." Emily said. Crap. I'm in Emily's room. Who's room did I go to? And who's in the other room talking? Damnit. I can't leave now.

She laid out some clothes on her bed trying to figure out what to wear. She could wear anything and she would still be beautiful. She looked so stressed figuring out what to wear for Jay.

I wish Emily's friends chose me for Emily. But apparently I didn't meet their checklist when they were talking to us on the beach. Or maybe I should've talked to Emily when I bumped into her the first time.

"What am I going to wear?" She gave a big sigh while looking at her bed.

Why can't she realize that she doesn't have to dress to impress anyone. I walked behind her quietly and looked at what she laid out.

"Maybe shirt and shorts or anything comfy." I said. She turned around and her face was as close as last night. I couldn't help myself anymore and kissed her.

She fought the kiss at first, but accepted it as I gently moved my lips with hers. I cupped my hand on her jawline and pulled her closer with my other arm. There was so much passion between us. This one kiss seems like there's lightning striking our bodies. But I realized she was Jay's girl. Jay. I can't do this. I slowly moved myself away from her. Once my lips didn't touch hers, I felt a pain in my heart.

How am I going to explain this.


I stared at him. I couldn't believe that it's him that made me feel like I'm on cloud 9. He stared back at me and slowly started to walk towards the door.

How could he do that?

"Nathan?" I said quietly. He slowly turned around embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He said and opened the door. Once Nathan open the door, Jay opened the guest room door.

"Jay!" Nathan said surprised.

"Hey Nath? What are you doing in Em's room?" Jay said with a stunned voice.

"Uh. I was just talking to Em. Nothing happened." Nathan replied.

How can he say that? "What do you mean nothing happened? That kiss was nothing?" I said behind Nathan. I began to cry. Did he not feel the spark in that kiss?

Nathan headed towards me but Jay stopped him.

"WHAT! You kissed her?!" Jay raised his arm and punched Nathan's face.

Nathan fell on the ground and Gabe intervened.

"Jay! Stop!" Holding Jay while Nathan got up. "Nathan I think you should leave. Cool down and we'll talk." Gabe watched Nathan walk towards me.

I could tell Nathan wanted to say something but Jay pushed his way from Gabe and came between us.

"Back off Nathan. You've done enough." Jay stared at Nathan and he looked at me. I couldn't say anything.

"Emily. Can we talk? Please." Nathan pleaded but I couldn't give an answer.

"Okay. Fine." Nathan looked at me and turned around and walked away. As much as I wanted him to stay, I know Gabe wouldn't let it happen. I heard the door slam downstairs. Nathan left.

"Em. You okay?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I think I'll go clean up now since the party kinda got weird." I headed downstairs to keep myself busy. Jay came and helped out. Everybody left except Iris. She's helping Gabe clean up the living room.

"Em. I'm gonna go home and see if I can get a hold of Nath." Jay said.

"Uh. Yeah. Sure." I'm surprised after he hit Nath, he still wants to talk.

"Okay. I'm here if you need someone to talk to." Jay came and kissed don't forehead and gave me a hug. I need that hug.

"Thanks!" I said and walked him out. I looked around to see if Nathan actually left. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

This was just all in my head. Jay is great for me. He falls under my perfect man check list. Nathan is sweet but he isn't what I really want, right?

If I knew -Nathan Sykes fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt