Chapter Four- Cafe lunch date

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Tomorrow. is. TODAY!

I still can't believe that I'm going to have lunch with Jay.  Gabe may be mad if he found out, but I don't have to let him know right? Oh, I cant think straight.  I'm very excited.  What will I wear?  Since it's a café date, maybe casual. Yeah, skinny jeans and a shirt. That should be good!

But Nathan.  I cant forget about Nathan.  There's something about him that screams YES! but I cant ditch Jay.  Its only fair to give Jay a chance.

"Em!! You want breakfast?" Gabe yelled from downstairs.  Oh, he must be on break.

"Yeah! What did you get?" Maybe something light since I'm gonna eat with Jay in a couple of hours.

"Breakfast sandwiches!"  Sandwiches? I guess I'll take that.

"Okay. Be down in a sec." I think natural make up should be good right?

"Morning Gabe! How's work so far?" I could tell he's pretty tired.  I grabbed a breakfast sandwich. Boy it was delicious!

"It's good. Im off for the rest of the day.  Jay is covering the rest of my shift since I had an eight hour surgery.  You wanna go and catch a movie or something?"

"Uh, well, I have something planned for lunch but maybe after we can?  You need to sleep, you look like a panda right now." 

"Yeah, I'm pretty beat. Okay. We'll catch a late movie." Gabe said as he stared at his sandwich.  I hate hiding things from Gabe, but I knew he wouldn't let me go if I told him who I was meeting with.  Anyway, it's just a casual lunch date.


-->Hey Em. Don't forget. ;)

Ah! A text from Jay. Okay. Play it cool...

Yeah yeah. I won't forget.<--

-->you don't sound too excited? You don't wanna come?

Oh. I do. I'll see you soon. :] <--

-->Okay. See you soon :) 

My goodness. Jay. I'm so nervous to see him, I feel like puking right now.  Im not sure if its the nerves or if Im really not feeling good? I looked at their online menu to figure out what to eat so I wouldn't look like a hungry cave woman.  Maybe a small salad would do? Yeah. I can be full with a salad since I will be out with Gabe later on. 

"Gabe. I'm gonna get dressed and head out soon. I'll see you later. Go and sleep!! You need it since you're hanging out with your little sister!". I tapped Gabe, who looked like a zombie. 

"Alright. I will. Don't worry." Gabe said as he went to clean up the rubbish.  This guy always looks after me.  I head upstairs to get ready.

*Phone rings*

"Hey Iris!! What's up?" I'm surprised she called me.

"Hey Em! I gotta tell you something.  Can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure! What is it?" This is interesting...

"uhm, can we meet up? I can't tell you on the phone?" What is so important that she can't tell me on the phone?

"Yeah. That's fine. I'm busy during lunch, but dinner would be okay. I'm gonna watch a movie with Gabe since he's off tonight. You wanna come? I'm pretty sure he will be okay with it."

"huh? Oh, I guess so? What time is the movie?"

"7..ish? I still have to find the show time, but I'm guessing around that time."

"Okay Em. What are you doing for lunch?"

"Oh. I have to meet up with a friend. That's all. No biggie."  How can I lie about this? Iris knows me too well!

"A friend huh? Well, I hope you have fun... if you know what I mean. I can't believe you can't wait till your party. Haha. Geeze Em!"

"What are you talking about? And is it that obvious? Haha. I know, but it was him who asked. Please don't tell Gabe. I know he'll be pissed.'

"haha.  I KNOW he'll be pissed! I'll come over around 5ish to talk to you before the movie. If that's okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you then. Bye!"

"Bye! Have fun on your lunch date!"

"haha! I will! Bye!"

I wonder what Iris wants to tell me. ill laugh if it'll be about Gabe.

Oh boy! Look at the time. I have to get ready!   I fixed my hair and decided to put some curls to make my hair have more volume.  I'm freaking out right now, but I head out of my room.  Man, I'm so nervous I'm feeling nauseous!

"Bye Gabe!! I'll be back home in a couple of hours!" Gabe waved and I head out the door.

I took my car keys out and heading towards the direction of the café.  Where the heck am I gonna park! I haven't thought about that part yet.  I have to find side street parking I guess.  Im not fond of parallel parking, but I guess I have to.

I'm 5 mins away and I'm already freaking out.  What if he isn't there when I'm there? Do I wait for him outside or inside. I should act like its nothing and order my food and wait inside? Ah, the pressure! Coffee!! I'm gonna order a coffee and wait for him. Okay! Oh! A parking space right in front.

I reversed my car in the space and was startled by a hard knock on my window. 

"OH MY GOSH!!!! Jay!! You scared the crap out of me!!!". I said as I start to get out of my car.

"HAHA! You jumped! That was adorable!" Jay grabbed my hand and helped me out.  " You look so funny being all concentrated.  So serious when you drive. You have to lighten up!"  He smiled at me and led me towards the café.  He smiled, I smiled.

"I have to concentrate! I don't want to damage my car!" I said as he opened the door for me. Jay didn't let of my of hand as we walked into the café. I bet he saw how red I got because I came quiet afterwards.

"Uhm, what would you like?" He looked at me, smiling.  His green eyes were beautiful.  I look up at the wall to look at what I wanted to eat or maybe drink. My stomach is having butterflies again.m  I zoned out and he had to wave his hand to get my attention.

"Hello? Are you okay? You look a little pale? Are you feeling okay?"  He went to reach for the nearest empty seat for me and as he let go of my hand, I snapped out of it. I suddenly had the urge to find the nearest trash bin.

"WOAH!! ARE YOU OKAY?" Jay asked as I puked into the trash bin. As I continued to throw up, Jay began to rub my back and asked the barista to get me a glass of water.  I stood up and began to feel dizzy.  Jay guided me to a chair.  As shame as this is, I felt happy it was him taking care of me. After all, he is a doctor. Jay went to the counter to get me a plastic bag in case I wanted to throw up more.

"Uhm, I think I'm gonna go home. This is embarrassing enough." I said quietly to myself.  Since I felt better, I rushed out of the café and went straight to my car. 

"Wait! EM!" I could hear Jay telling me to wait. But I can't. Its too embarrassing. "EM!! WAIT!! YOU CANT TO GO YET!"

Jay followed but I got into the car and drove off. How shameful!! I can't believe I puked in front of Jay! And even more, I ran away. Why did I do that.  AH! I can't believe it!

I arrived home.  Breathe Em, Breathe. Oh my Gosh, I'm gonna puke again!!  I rushed to the bathroom at home and Gabe heard me.  "What's wrong Em? Is everything alright?" Gabe came in the bathroom to see me very sick.  "Jay called me and told me you threw up in the café near the hospital.  What hurts?" I just looked at him in pain. "Come on. Lets go to the hospital!"

"Gabe! I'm not feeling..." Last thing I heard was Gabe yelling something.

And that's all I could remember.

I woke up in a hospital room with an IV in me and the hospital gown on.  Where's everybody?

If I knew -Nathan Sykes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now