Chapter Three- Woah!

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Finally! We are at the beach. It felt like a 5 hour drive since Caren was driving, but it actually took an hour. We all grabbed our things and tried to find a decent place to set our things down. There were a lot of people on the beach already, but I know there will be more coming.

"Over here!" Gabe yelled. He found a great spot under a big coconut tree.

"This is a great spot Gabe!" I told him with a big smile. Someone is excited!

I set the beach mat under the shade and placed my bag. Jane, Caren, and Iris did the same and began to undress themselves to their bikinis.

"Oh crap! I forgot to change into my swim wear!! ill be back!" I told the other and I walked towards one of the changing rooms.

Looks like there's a line for the women's changing rooms.

A group of guys started walking  towards my direction. Crap. It's crowded here.

"Oww! What the fuuuudge?" One of the guys bumped into me while talking to his buddies.  "Geeze people should pay attention when their walking!" I said to him indirectly.

"Oh. Sorry! I didn't see you there." He said laughing.

"I maybe shorter than you, but I'm not invisible!" I said angrily. Im not even that short. I may be a few inches shorter than him, but I'm pretty sure he can see me.

He smiled, "Sorry. I really didn't see you!"


His smile was mesmerizing! I snapped out of my stare. "Uhm. Yeah. Whatever. Watch where you're going next time." What a guy. I hope Jane them wont set me up with that guy. I changed into my swim wear and headed back to the group. Jane and Iris were already in the water and Caren was putting sunblock on herself. I couldn't see where Gabe was, so he's probably in the water body surfing I guess.

"Hey. Where Gabe? Did he go in already? I don't see him out there?"

"Nope. He saw some of his friends over there and decided to talk to them." Caren pointed at the direction of a group of guys. The guys were okay I guess. I mean, they were good looking I'm not going to lie. But since I was dumped yesterday, checking out my big brother's friends was the right thing I want to do.

"Check out the sets Caren!" I said excitedly. The waves were my priority right now. Being on the wave is the best feeling. I feel free while on the wave and waiting for the right wave to ride on was all worth it. I grabbed my board and went straight to the water.

Gabe came paddling towards me. "Hey Gabe! You seem happy?"

"Yeah, it was nice meeting up with some old friends. How's the waves? Did you catch any good ones?"

"Yeah. A few. Those guys are all doctors? They look pretty young."

"Are you calling me old?" Gabe me a sad look. "I'm just saying." I said smiling.

"Well, only one of them is a doctor. Uhm, the guy with curls is a doctor. The bald one is a teacher at an elementary school. The dark haired one with no tattoos is a business man, accountant I think? and the guy with the tattoo on his side is a DJ. oh! and the younger looking guy is in college still. Well, its his last semester and he's graduating soon. He's the same age as you.  I believe he goes to your school too!"

"Ohh. Interesting." The young guy somewhat looks familiar, but he's too far for me to see him clearly. I cant remember where I've seen him. Hmm. I look to see a wave coming in. "Are you gonna catch this one?" I asked Gabe as I see a set coming in.

"Yeah!" Gabe said while paddling to match the wave. Man, Gabe can ride a wave better than I can. Even though its been a long time since he's been here, its like he's been doing this forever. Im glad he's happy.

If I knew -Nathan Sykes fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن