Chapter Six- Begin Again

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I woke up to people talking. I guess the gang is here, they're so loud.

"Finally! You're up!! How's about something to eat?" Jay said as he brought me chicken noodle soup. Caren, Iris, and Jane followed and sat near me.

"I can't believe you didn't go through with the date Em. And I also can't believe you didn't tell me!" Caren said. I gave Caren a look to make her quiet.

Iris gave me a hug. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, so much better. Thanks." I smiled at Iris and the rest while sipping on the hot soup. "I can't believe you guys are up this early."

"Early? Its already 10!" laughed Jane.

"What? I'm late for class. Really late for class!" I looked at the clock and grabbed my phone to notify my professor that I'm not coming in. Attendance has points for my grade.

"Don't worry about it. Nath gave your doctor's note to all your professors, so you can relax." Jay said.

"How did Nathan find out my schedule?" Iris replied but I couldn't understand what she was saying. Once I mentioned his named, I remembered what happened last night. His eyes, his nose, his lips. It must be a dream. I shook my head to erase that dream.

"Em, are you okay? Still not feeling well?" Jay asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm feeling way better now that I have something in my tummy." I smiled. Everybody went to the kitchen while Iris stayed back. She smiled and gave me another hug.

*Iris POV*

How am I gonna tell Em what happened. Should I let Gabe her himself?

"Em, Ive got to tell you something."

"Yeah? What is it Iris?"

"Well, I somewhat sorta-"

"You like my brother?" Em said excitedly. I was shocked. Was that obvious? "I had a feeling you like him. And I accept. He needs someone and who better than my best friend?" Em, gave me a hug. "Don't hurt him though. You may be my best friend, but please don't hurt him."

I'm shocked. My mind is going crazy.

"Really. I was afraid you'll be mad and banish me away." I said.

"What? Banish? Haha. Iris, you both are weird in general. Go after him. I'm pretty sure he likes you too considering the fact you made me freak out from the instagram comment you deleted." Em giggled and lightly pushed me. "Why'd you do that? He was freaking out. He saw it, then didn't."

"Oh, because I thought he wouldn't feel the same. Which brings me to what happened yesterday." Em gave me a confused look. "So, I came over to your house because no one told me you were at the hospital. I texted, but I thought you were just sleeping, as usual." I said with a smirk. "Anyways, Gabe opened the door all devastated. Ive never seen him so sad. I asked what was wrong and he broke down. He told me what happened and he knew that you're gonna be okay, but I don't know he felt like he couldn't help you get better. He was there the whole time holding your hand, but they told him to go home and get some rest. I sat there listening to him tell me about the whole Jay and you on a date, then the food poisoning. He pretty much blamed himself for getting you sick."

I looked at Em to see her sad. "So, somehow we ended up sleeping together." Em gave me a look like she wanted to slap me. "JUST SLEEPING!" I said with my hands up. "He was on this couch and I was on the other, I promise. Okay, so the next morning he woke me up and made me breakfast. He apologized about last night, then told me that its weird that no matter how much we argue with each other, he feels comfortable to tell me everything." Em smiled when I said that.

If I knew -Nathan Sykes fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя