Chapter 7; Chaos

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We touched down in Rio Brazil, finally I got my first mission, the nerves and excitement over takes my body, my emotions confused as the battle each other. I look around in awe, admiring how beautiful Rio is, the colourful carnivals and festivals drawing me in as Mitch chuckles lightly at my reaction.

"Come on, maybe we can stop off at the festival after the mission but that's our main focus" he says and puts his hand on the lower of my waist, guiding me in the direction he wants me to go in.

I frown, "fine" I pout, feeling the butterflies shoot through my stomach at the feeling off his fingers, brushing the small of my back lightly, his fingers sending hot flames against my skin.

My attention span is so poor as I glance around and go to wonder off, hearing Mitch's huff in my ears making me giggle. We arrive at the hotel we're staying in and he hands me a pair of sunglasses and I put them on, just so we don't look suspicious.

I smile and hold his hand, as he check us in and gets our room key, making our way up the hotel and to our room right at the top at room 234.

I sit on the bed in our room, "there's only one bed?" I ask him, looking up at him, he shrugs "I guess were sharing" he deadpans.


We sit at a cafe, acting like we're on a date as he scopes out the area and I drink some coffee. His eye catches something, a figure, acting dodgy.

"Something wrong?" I ask him as he gets up and helps me up.

"Just follow me" he replies sternly as I walk with him, his eyes staying on the man that walks with his hand in one pocket and the other slowly reaching for something.

The man pulls out a gun and starts shooting up one of the festivals, my eyes widening as Mitch pulls me so we're covered. More then one gun shot can be heard, signalling there's more as Mitch hands me a gun and runs off, taking down one.

I get up and shot one in the head, until I'm tackled to the ground by another one of the men as he smirks, sending flashbacks through my mind of what happened to me. He punches me in the face as I wince from the harshness from his knuckles, "you're ruining our plans" he shouts and pull his gun out, shooting a civilian that's running past.

The bullet noise sends a ringing pain through my ears as I cry out from the pain, another gunshot goes off, the strong man above me falls straight on top of me making me panic as I push him off and roll out from under him.

Suddenly, I grasp my gun tightly and stand back up, stumbling slightly as I try to regain my balance, my ears sensitive as I feel like I'm hallucinating everything.

I can't see Mitch anywhere as I trip over dead bodies, I fall on top of them, looking at my hands that are now covered in blood as my hands shake from how scared I am.

A man comes into my view, a shooter, my hands slowly rise, shooting him three times as I try to get back up over the dead bodies.

I scream, a bullet piercing through my leg, then one through the back of my shoulder, as I drag my body into a building, panting heavily as the wounds gush out with blood.

The smell of burning fills my noise, the sound of children screaming then suddenly being cut off with a gash noise from a bullet, my eyes start watering as I cry. My emotions overwhelmed by everything I saw today.

I pray that Mitch isn't dead, I pray I haven't lost him, because without him I'm lost like a man in the Sahara desert. My thoughts and worries overtake me till I pass out on the floor off the building, the abandoned one as everyone ran as soon as the chaos started.

Everyone left or is dead, no one will come to help me, I'll die on my very first mission, this wasn't cut out for me. I shouldn't of done this. I wasn't ready.

My body lays limp, hitting my head on the warm concrete floor. I'm not surviving this.

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