Chapter 3; Mitch's POV

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I drive through the Italian city where she was raised, on an off town from Rome where she was born, I did my research on her to try and figure out as much as possible.

I drive to where the accident happened, to see if any evidence is still there. As I park up, seeing the mutilated, disintegrated car as I pull my coat further up my shoulders to cover my chest and stomach as I zip it up, my hands shake slightly from the crisp breeze.

My fingers turn slightly purple as I shove them into my pockets to warm them up, I walk over to the bloodcurdling scene in front of me. I kneel down in front of the car, inspecting every small thing as I sigh slightly, seeing nothing that could lead me in that direction.

Glancing around the snow, just barely being able to see the the cherry coloured blood under the freshly settled snow and I see the raven black tire marks from where they skidded out as quick as possible. I jog back to my car and buckle myself in, driving quickly, following the track marks embedded into the snow.

I park far away from where the track marks stop and I gear up, strapping a few things to me and fitting a few guns and knives in them as I sling an MP5 over my shoulder and shove a Magnum down the back of my jeans as I stay in the shadows, running and climbing around buildings, as quiet and stealthy, staying out of any gun sights from the guards.

I sneak up behind one and pull the back, wrapping my arm around their neck and dragging them back, making them choke as I grab my knife and slit their throat, making them gush out blood, dropping their body and looking up, seeing a tall, tanned, well-built man going to pull his gun out.

However, I'm much faster then him and whip my handgun out and shot him in the forehead, watching the corpse fall to the floor with a loud thud. I pull the bodies into a spot and bury them in the snow, so they can't be found and I'm not spotted.

I slowly walk inside, taking precaution with every corner, keeping every sense on high alert. As I walk slowly with my hand gun pointed out in front of me I hear muffled talking, along with someone shouting and a few hitting noises. Slap. Slap. Slap! Then a girls whimpering, I know if I don't handle this situation correctly I could be killed or she could, and then I would of failed my mission.

"Somebody's here, taking my slut back to her cell, I'll go for her late" I hear a voice say and a girl begging to stay or have some clothes, her voice becomes distant and I mentally curse, knowing this is going to get a lot harder.

I rush in a shot two people, instantly killing them as I go to shot my third I get shot in the shoulder and I groan and take cover quickly. I hold my shoulder and rest my head back checking both of my sides as I grab my MP5 and stand up, shooting in every direction, hitting a few more target.

I don't see a man charging at my side, spearing me into the wall as I kick him in the balls and bounce off the wall quickly, grabbing the back of his head and smashing it off the wall, numerous times as another one of the guards comes up behind me and stabs me in the back, making me swivel round quickly and duck from his next attempt to stab me, I fight off the pain from my wounds and punch the guy, we get into a fist fight, fists being thrown from every direction.

I kick him and climb on top of him, pinning his arms down and punching him in the face continuously, glancing around every so often until I see Aimar running down the hallway, making sure that the guy I'm on top of is passed out, I get up quickly and sprint down the hallway after him.

I run past a cell, hearing crying as I open the small latch, not having the keys for the actual door and slipping my handgun in there.

"If any of them come, shot them, don't hesitate, I'll be back I promise" I say, having to dart back down the corridor to catch up with Aimar. I grab out my MP5 and load it as I run, shooting out anyone who gets in my way as I hear a helicopter beginning to take off, my eyes widen in desperation.

I run as fast as I can, seeing the room where the helicopter is taking off as it lifts off the floor, the force of the wind pushing me backwards making it difficult to run towards it. I hear cackling from the helicopters seats as I growl and leap in the air, latching onto the bars at the bottom of transporter. It lifts high into the air, above all the buildings. A foot starts stomping on my fingers that are clinging onto the thin bar as I wince in pain, making sure one hand is secure enough I let go off the other one and grab the foot, pulling him out of the helicopter and watching his helpless body fall flat on the ground from a high drop.

I climb up onto the helicopter and into the back of it, seeing Aimar as he drops to his knees. "Please American, spare me" he pleads for his life, my eyesight grabbing the attention of his hand reach round his back and I don't hesitate, shooting him. A familiar beeping sound fills my ears, "oh fuck bomb" I shout and scamper round finding a parachute. "Bonus" I mumble to myself and tug it on, praying that it works.

I shut my eyes and jump out, as I fall I pull the lever, popping open the sheet that holds me up. BOOM! The helicopter goes up in flames making parts of it fly down to surface. One part hits my parachute, making a gigantic hole in it, the parachute beings to fail as I hit the rock hard ground, my vision goes white and muffled screaming can just about be heard, my body battered, bruised and broken.

I try to move but everything goes limp as I look around slowly, I see buildings on fire and people evacuating quickly from their once homes, crying and shouting rings like bells through my ears. I get up despite the pain and run into the burning building of Aimar, looking for the princess, a few bodies are dead outside her cell as I sigh in relief and run over.

Please be okay Ayra!

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