Chapter 4; Getting to know my life saver

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Ayra's POV
I sit in the corner of the small room at the back, my skin covered in dirt and blood from the beatings i endured. I shake and shiver, holding the gun up to the door in case anyone tries to come in again. My naked body begins to go limp, the lack of sleep, food and water starting to take affect. Tears roll down my cheeks as my body falls back and my arms fall against my side, the gun going off and hitting the wall.

I see a shadow emerging quickly outside the cell door as my eyes start to close and the man that gave the gun earlier appears, running with a limp carried out with multiple wounds as I smile slightly.

"I always keep my promise" he smiles and takes his coat off, wrapping it round me quickly as I weakly wrap my arms around his neck, he lifts me up in bridal style and pulls the sleeve of the coat around me over my mouth.

"The village is burning" he shouts over the roaring of the flames, ashy smoke swarming my nostrils and ears.

I nod slightly and bury my head into his chest as I cough, my body bouncing in sync with his running. I glance up, seeing the whole village ablaze, people running around on fire, babies screaming, people scrambling around, everything becomes overwhelming as I watch child sink to the floor. Dead.

The man that saved me places me in the passenger seat and grabs a blanket from the back and pulls it over me, tucking me in to make sure I'm comfortable and pull the seatbelt over me, making sure I'm secure as fast as possible, I begin panicking, being in a car again making my anxiety and paranoia sky rocket.

He gets in the car quickly and speeds off as I squeeze my eyes shut, my breathing begins to become sharp and restless as I grip onto his arm with one hand and squeeze as my knuckles turn white.

"Hey, Hey it's okay, just let me get as far away from the fire" he tries to calm me as he accelerates, my heart jumping out of my chest from how much panic is taking place, I struggle to breath as he eventually parks up and tears roll down my cheeks as I burst out crying, panic-struck.

He rests his hands on one of my cheeks to make me look at him, gently making my face look at him as I look him in his honey brown eyes.

"My names Mitch, Mitch Rapp, I work for the government pretty much, and I help get rid of terrorists" he says soothing, calming me down at the sound of his consoling voice.

"Thank you Mitch" I smile slightly as he nods, "now let's get you to a hospital, just try and stay calm, I'll go slow" he says and he starts driving again.

I rest my eyes and swallow hard, still nervous of the car, knowing this will stay with me for a while as I end up drifting off in thought.


I wake up to a sturdy beeping sound, blinking the blurry vision away and bringing clearness to my sight, I sit up quickly, not recognising where I am as my panic builds up again until I hear stomping rushing over and I look up, seeing Mitch by my side immediately, I watch his bandage dangle as the nurse didn't have time to finish it before he sped off.

"It's okay, don't worry, we're at the hospital" he coos and runs his fingers through my hair, relaxing me as I smile. A nurse comes over and smiles taking some blood tests and other things  as Mitch talks to me to take my mind off everything.

I laugh and smile with him as he takes my mind completely off it as everything's focused on him, I feel a sort of connection to him, as if we were meant to meet, but probably not under these conditions.

"I'll be taking you back to headquarters" he says to me as I cock my head to the side slightly, "right yeah, you're Italian and have been inside for years, basically, it's where everybody that I work for are, and it's in America" he says as if this isn't such a big shock and my eyes widen.

"Your parents can't know you're alive anymore" he says with a slight sigh. "So I'm going to America?" I ask with a nervous tone as he nods.

"It's alright, I won't leave your side, I promise, you know I don't break promises" he says with a slight smile, I nod, trusting him, probably more then I should.

I feel at ease with him, as if I'm invisible with him, he treats me the way I've never been treated before, with kindness not because I'm a princess but because I'm me.

Taken ✘  Mitch Rapp (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now