28 | *sniffs cinnamon*

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Hello, everyone!

Ahh, I'm so grateful this is the last week of school. One more week - well, not exactly, 'cause I'm skipping school's Christmas Eve. Idk if you have stuff like this, but here we celebrate Christmas Eve in class on the last day before winter break, which is kinda cool...

...only if you actually like people in your class xD

I don't so screw it.

I'm not even excited for Christmas, more likely excited for free time, snow, decorating Christmas Tree and New Year's Eve




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Look, I've baked cinnamon cookies and they're extremally tasty ~<3

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Look, I've baked cinnamon cookies and they're extremally tasty ~<3

Baking is such a fun I consider myself being a baker lol XD But knowing my luck I would probably acidentally add salt to a wedding pie and be thrown out on my first day...


Movin' on...

My current listening pleasure -> The Wall.

But I'm not sure if it's a pleasure... more like painful emotional trip, when I sit, stare at the wall (haha, pun not intended </3) and just contemplate Roger Waters' genius nad his entire life and thank God he exists.
And thank God I'm seeing him next year!!

So let's just drown myself in a spiral of feels and throw bricks at Donald Trump.

We all love Waters, ain't we?

Another listening pleasure is Queen and I'm so proud of myself for getting out of the Night at the Opera and Day at Races Zone, 'cause I've been sitting there for weeks, just listening those albums on repeat, because they'e great

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Another listening pleasure is Queen and I'm so proud of myself for getting out of the Night at the Opera and Day at Races Zone, 'cause I've been sitting there for weeks, just listening those albums on repeat, because they'e great... welp, more than great!

Am I still newbie to classic rock fandom if I'm here for one year now?

I still have sooo much to discover...


When you colour the unstressing colouring book, but you're also gay as hell so you need to show it off

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When you colour the unstressing colouring book, but you're also gay as hell so you need to show it off. Which is kinda funny, 'cause my school colleague said recently that I'm most probably straight. Mind you, I didn't tell him whether I'm straigh or not. I was just like "Well... you have to guess :3"

He was the one to scream "HAH LESBIAN" to me in school tho... in front of everyone... and teacher... oh my God xD


Okay, I have nothing more to say

I'll provide you, Wattpad People, with this:

I'll provide you, Wattpad People, with this:

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I don't know, I don't really know

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I don't know, I don't really know.

Have a great day everyone, and remember, brace yourselves, because winter is coming.


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