Na Na Na

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'Strangers in the night...." Harry's phone rang. Harry fished his phone out of his pocket and answered it before the song could progress any further. He pressed the speaker phone button and laid the phone on his stomach. Before Harry could even greet the person on the other end, Louis spoke up. "Where are you? You said you were going to find Kenzie then meet us at the hotel." his loud voice boomed out of the phones tiny speaker. "Yeah, we're waiting to eat for you guys!" I heard Niall shout somewhere from the background. I looked over to Harry with a questioning look. I had no idea what Louis was talking about. "Sorry, I got a little sidetracked. We're on our way now." Harry said, getting up from our little spot at the bottom of the hill and pulling me up with him. "Love you, Lou." Harry said. "Love you Hazza!" Louis screamed before hanging up.

Harry and I walked hand in hand down the street back to the theater parking lot to get my car. People openly stared at us, and with good reason. We were still both covered head to toe in mud and grass stains. "Everybody is staring." I whispered to Harry. He turned his head to me and smiled. "People always stare at me." he whispered back indifferently. "Okay, but they don't stare at me. Ever." I told him. "Well I don't know why, you're quite something to look at." he told me with a smirk. He pulled me closer to him and put his arm behind me. He placed a kiss on my cheek and pinched my butt. "Hey!" I objected, jumping forward. "What?" Harry asked innocently, sliding his hand into my back pocket. I raised an eyebrow and snaked my hand behind Harry. I pinched him back and he just smiled down at me. "Mmm, frisky." he said in a husky tone as we crossed the street. Harry suddenly picked me up and kissed me full on in the middle of the road, completely ignoring everything that was going on around us. A horn honked and Harry ran out of the street with me in his arms. "Please don't drop me." I begged, wrapping my legs tightly around Harry's waist so I didn't fall. "I'd never let you fall." he told me reassuringly, hugging me back just as tightly. Harry carried me all the way back to the car.

I sped back to the hotel with Harry teasing me about my driving the whole way. "I'm not a bad driver." I argued. Harry just laughed at me. "Yes you are sweetheart." I purposely swerved around the road for the rest of the ride back. When we got to the hotel, paparazzi were waiting right out front. "Go around to the back. There's another entrance we can take." Harry advised me, pointing the way to the back out to me and sliding down in his seat as we passed the photographers. I followed Harry's directions and parked in the back. The back entrance Harry referred to turned out being the entrance to the hotel kitchen. We walked through the busy kitchen trying our best to go unnoticed. The kitchen staff glanced at us, but left us alone. We snuck through the lobby and ran into an empty elevator. Once the doors closed, Harry turned to me with a devilishly dazzling smile. His teeth looked even whiter then usual because off all the dark mud on his face. He stepped closer to me, looped his index fingers through the belt loops on my jeans, and pulled me towards him. When I stepped forward, my lips were crashed into his. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He rested his warm hands on the gentle curve of my hips. He moved the material of my shirt out of the way and rubbed small circles into my hips with his thumbs.

"Ding!" the elevator doors slid open when we reached the twenty fifth floor of the hotel but Harry and I didn't move. "See, there they are. You're not going to starve Niall." I heard my best friend tell her boyfriend. "Oh my god. What happened to you two?" Alexis voice was closer then before. I reluctantly pulled myself away from Harry and looked over to Alexis who was staring at Harry and I with wide eyes. Niall joined Alexis and gave us the same shocked look that Alexis wore. "What did you do?" Niall asked. "We fell in a mud puddle." Harry said with a straight face. "You fell..." Niall started. " a puddle." Alexis finished. They looked at us disbelievingly. I stole a glance at Harry then cleared my throat to try to hide the laughter that was bubbling up. "It was a really big puddle." I told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2012 ⏰

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