chapter 28

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Selenas pov

Its been a 9 mounths and Vanessa's belly is HUGE we found out there having a boy and were all excitied for them including miss Audrey, nessa told us there gonna name him Blane!!! We saw the sonogram yesterday of the baby and he looks just like Liam like identical. Wow i can't believe im gonna have another god child and my first nephew!!! Harrys even excotied. And thats not all Demi's wedding is in 1 week and Vanessa's been caring the baby four 9 months which means she coud be giving birth at anytime now. Everybody is really close with Harry and Zayn and Harry there pretty close now too, it toke a loooooooooooonnnnggggggggg time but evebtually they grew a relationship, but he hasnt offically excepted us yet and we havent really talked about this brother sister thing, but Zayn wants to come talk to us today so we will see how that goes, lolz.

Harry's Pov

Me:"ohhhh SCORREEE!! Beat you 10 times in a row!!!"

Zayn:"shut up! Hey i just let you have that last one, okay hhaha. Rematch!!!" Zayns actually a really cool guy!!! Were always talking and hes fun and even though he hasn't ofdically said that he excepts me and selena adleats he taking the time to get to know me and trust this WAS NOT AT ALL IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORMED EASY it toke every single day for 6 mounths to get this close with him it was really hard, but in the end it was worth it. He says he wants to talk to both me and Selena tonight, but what about did i do something wrong already?!???

Selena's Pov

Okay so its time or us to go have this talk with Zayn... oh gosh...

Harry's Pov

Oh gosh... its time for us to talk with Zayn... im nervous, but i dont care if he says to get aeay from selena i'm NOT!!!! i LOVE SELENA, she means everything, and i refuse to lose her shes MINE. I walk into one of of lounge rooms holding Selena's hand, and as i turn i see Zayn already sitting there on the sofa.... oh gosh here goes nothing.....

Zayns Pov

Me:"hey guys"

Har and Sel:"hey"

Zayn:"so i just wanted to talk to you both about you onow this whole thing....."......

Zayn:"Harry, at first i didnt like you AT ALL i didnt want you with my sister and i thought you were a player and i didnt want my baby sis around you and you WAYYYYY to old for her, but ad time went by you started to try REALLY hard to show me that your good enough for her and we started yo delvope a relationship which i thought would never happen. Now listen dude i want my sister to be happy and some how some way Harry, you.... you seem to do that and you take care of her, and hey im still gonna have somewhat of my guard up with you, but as we go in time im gonna losen it up a bit, so congratulations for being the first i've ever approved of to date my sister so yes... I APPROVE OF YOU HARRY STYLES OF DATING MY SISTER SELENA GOMEZ"

Selena:"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" She said in excitment

Harry:"wow, thanks man. I just want to let you know i l love your sister more than anything"

Me:"yes, i can see that"

Me:"woh woh woh hold on don't get to crazy kids we still gotta go over the rules"

Me:"here they are: no touching, no losing the doors in a room thats just you two, no kissing, no holding hands, and most importantly NO SEX!!"

Sel:"Zayn come on losen up a bit. We can do anything we want too, were okay okay. Were good okay"

Zayn:"alright just nooooo sex alright?"

Har:"yes, sur"


Zayn:"okay then. Harry could you give me and Sel a minute to talk"

Har:'ya of course"

Zayn:"now sel we havent really talked about this whole brother sister thing and i know its hard right now and you can be mad at dad all you want, but please dont be mad at me can you please give me a chance? Please i wanna be apart of your life and i want your children and my children to grow up together and know that there mom and uncle and tgeir auntie selena and dad get along, i dont want us to be one of those broken familys im your big brotger and its my job to protect you and by tge way you will NOT be having kids for a long long long long long long long looooooooonnnnggg time, but can we?" She just stood there silent thinking.... she was thinking for a long time and i start to put my head and walk out to give her time think, but right as i did she ran to me and jumped in my arms hugging my torso while snuggling her head under neath me.

Sel:"i love you big brother" thise are the words ive wanted to hear from her my whole life i never thought i would but it just did happen wow ill never forget this moment ever...

Zayn:"i love you 2 little sister"

Sel:"yes of course ill give you a chance" i love my littke sister so much you have no idea....


Waz up my bitches!!!!! Okay so wiw this ws such a cute heart warming moment, but DO NOT be fooled by all the good things happening in this story... thats the thing about my story, you never know when something bad is gonna happen or how bad its gonna happen.... and i can tell you right now somethings coming..... and p.s im sorry for the spelling mistakes i type extremely fast and make mistakes like that so thats the reason you'll see all those spelling errors, ill fix it later for y'all:)

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