Chapter 9-Milk

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"You're taking forever!"
"It's been ten minutes!"He came in while I was finishing my simple eye look.
"That's too long."He threw the jacket he gave me on my head.
"Then I won't go."I turned towards him throwing the jacket to the ground.
"No common."He playfully hit my arm and made that famous smile of his.
I got up and got my purse and such.
"Let's go."
We got to his house and some of the guys where there including Eun Bi.
"Look decided to finally show up to his own house!"Namjoon yelled making everyone pay attention.Eun Bi wiggled her eyebrows at me and I chuckled.
They picked a horror movie.Classic.Why would they do this to me?I mean,They don't know I get scared easily...
They actually played lights out which I have seen before.
It was at the part were the lady was turning off and on the light to see the demon figure in the dark.
"Eun Bi."
"What?"She whispered back.
"I hate horror movies."I hid behind the blanket and she chuckled.
"Sorry.Go by Jimin ;he will protect you."
"Yah,Shut up."

Namjoons pov:

"Jimin daisy is still asleep."I pointed out to him.He came back into the main room looking down at the sleeping girl.I wanted him to walk them home because I want them to get together.
"Daisy.Daisy."Eun Bi pleaded and Jimin bent down to them.Daisy ended waking up through her sleepy eyes and slow movements.She sat up,Rubbing her eyes.
"Is it time to go?"She asked tiredly.
"Yes It is."Jimin said gently.I could tell he had this weak spot for her.
"Oh I'm sorry.Ill get going."She picked up her purse when she stretched.I looked at Jimin, Who was currently working on standing up.
I nudged my head for him to go with her.Eun Bi and I have to go the total opposite way.
He smiled at me and I grinned back.
"Do you want me to walk with you?"He asked and she shrugged.
"If you want."She lightly said.
Daisys pov:

I'm not much of a "morning" person
So walking home after sleeping sucked.
We were close but we only created small talk.It was nice actually,
Once we got there I thanked him for taking his time to walk me here.It was weird cause no guy has ever really done this for me.
"See you later Daisy."He gave me a cheeky smile while he played with his hair.
"Bye."He walked away leaving me with his small yet smooth voice.He slid his hands in his pockets and went on his way.

Eun Bi we're walking to our lunch table;talking about Her and Namjoon.Namjoon in my opinion,has a liking to her.He apparently gave his sweater to her and called her pretty.
After we got almost half way there I felt that fucking cold liquid roll down my hair and my face once again.I knew it was Soon Ah being a bitch again.I look over to see Eun Bi,also having the same on her.Seriously?Dont attack my friends.

I turned my head around to see Soon Ah and her friend, Min Ki.Both holding milk cartons.
I've had enough of this girls shit.
"Sorry I thought this was the trash."She started to walk past me.While doing this,I saw everyone staring.So Feeling ballsy-I turn around and grab this girls hood.I threw her back by me then I grabbed her collar.
"What's your problem with me?I won't take you're stupid shit anymore!"I yelled straight into her face.I felt an hand grab my wrist and I was dragged off.I looked up to frowning Jimin and I looked back to see Soon Ah just standing there;Namjoon came to Eun Bi.
The milk started to make me uncomfortable as I walked.It soaked my clothes and made this odd smell.
"I don't need you killing anyone today."Jimin said while we walked in our class.Once again I let him have his own thoughts.I don't like to invade them all the time because it's rude.
"I'm sorry."I apologized.He went to his book bag and brought out;Joggers and a T-shirt.It was his gym clothes and I left mine at home.It was too cold for gym.
"Jimin it's okay.I can call my mom."I lightly said and he looked back at me.
"No I feel bad.Its happening because of me."He remarked.He walked passed me while he gave me the clothes.He waved me to follow him and I did so.I wonder how Eun Bi is doing...I feel bad for her.
He led me to the bathroom where I changed.He waited outside obviously and I slid on the pants.
They fit me...
I couldn't help but giggle.I then slid the T-shirt over which that was a little big but the smell of oranges was strong in this shirt.Probably because he works out in it.
I washed out my hair in the sink then braided it very quickly.
I walked out and he was laying up against the wall.He was looking up and he sighed~
"Jimin?"He looked down at me and he chuckled.
"Hey." His smile carried on and he pushed off the wall.
"Jimin-these pants fit me..."
His chuckle returned and I walked by side with him.
"Yah!I know I'm short!"He defended and we slowly walked back to lunch.
"It's cute!"I coped and he laughed, then hit me lightly on the arm.
"Thanks for the clothes though..."
"No problem."He moves back his hair then looks forward;Locking his eyes on something.
"They're cute."
I looked forward to see Namjoon and Eun Bi.They we're talking and Eun Bi also had new clothings on.I think they are Namjoons~
"I agree."
I jogged to Eun Bi and I went to talk to her.The two guys met up.
"Are you okay?"I asked and she nodded.
"Yeah.Is that Jimins?"Sh asked and I nodded yes.
"Is that Namjoons?"She then nodded and we both giggled.
"Do you know why she did this?"Eun Bi asked and I shrugged.
"I'm not sure."We slowly walked back to lunch,kind of leaving the other two behind.
"She's so mean."Eun Bi complained.I agreed with her cause she seems kind of boy crazy.
"I know."

"I'll wash them and give them back to you."I remarked while I held the door to my house.Jimin was outside because we walked home together like we usually do.
"Okay.Stay safe."
I closed the door after our goodbyes.
"Hey honey."
"Hey mom."I said throwing my crap on the ground.
"Are you able to work tomorrow?Jennies makeup artist has had some family issue."My mom asked nicely.
"Yeah,Sure.What is it for?"
"Photo shoot."
"That's fine.Ill do it."


"Here ,she dropped off her makeup."My mom handed me a few bags and I bowed slightly out of habit.
"Thanks for coming in today!"Mrs.Mim the manger said politely.
"It's no problem."I didn't mind.I was skipping school so I was okay with it.Eun Bi and Jimin asked where I was at.So I told them,Obviously.
I went over to Jennie.Nervous, but not as nervous as the first time.
"Hey Daisy!"She cooed happily as I opened up bags to get ready.I looked at the flawless girl with a smile.
"Hey Jennie."
After so,My mom came over and told me how to do makeup for a photoshoot.She told me to go heavy like for a play or something.Ive done makeup for plays back home in America.
"Okay lets do this."I clapped and went for the eyes.
"What color?"I ask pointing to two little eye shadows.She went for the light brown.
"How's school?"Jennie asked while I blended away.
"It's going well.Ive made friends and my grades are good."I did her mascara.
"False lashes?"I asked and she nodded yes.I put the glue on them and waited for them to get tacky.
"What's your friends names?"
"My closest friends name is Eun Bi *pauses for a few seconds*
And Park Jimin."
"I'm glad you're making friends."
"Me too."
We did makeup in silence for a bit.
"Which lipstick."I held up a red and a pink.She picked the red.I lightly did so;Doing the ombré look.
The photoshoot went well.Doing touch ups every now and again.
"Can we take a picture with Daisy?"Lisa smiled once the shoot was over.She ran over to me tackling me with a hug.The other three followed and got close to me.I was shocked and Lisa held up her phone.Why is she so cute omg.
We then took it and she then got off of me.We all looked at it and Lisa looked at me.
"Can I post this?"
I agreed and she smiled.She posted it on Instagram.
I took their makeup off in the most gentlest way possible.After so we cleaned up and I gave the girls bag back to my mom.
"Bye!Thank you!"
I turned to all the girls saying their goodbyes.Honestly, they are so nice it makes me disappointed in myself.I should really be nicer.

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