chapter three-Bitch

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Is Saturday school a thing.This is stupid and makes me want to die.Its only half a day but still


I hopped on the bus and grabbed on the pole.The bus was warm so I took off my scarf;balancing myself on the moving bus.

Soon enough I felt someone poke my back.I slightly flinched out of reaction~I turned around to see Jimin;He stood up and grabbed the pole.And directed me to sit down.My eyebrows farrowed and I felt bad.



School was almost over and I was in the bathroom.Doing bathroom like things.I opened the stall door and went to wash my hands in the cold water the sink has to offer.I avoided the soap.The one weird thing is its like a bar of soap on a stick; So I have a feeling just not using the soap is more hygienic .After so,I touched up my hair.Someone entered the bathroom but I ignored.Its a public bathroom for a reason.

I didnt really suspect for her to start talking to me.

"You're getting really close to the boys."Her vibe was off.It was negative and her voice sounded sinister.

"Yeah,we're friends."I said back.I didnt want to come by as rude and ignore her.I can't just be like

Oh this girl is a bitch for trying to talk to me

"Well don't be."She said blankly.Did she just say I shouldn't be friends with them?

Nevermind-She's a bitch.Shes a bitch for talking to me.

Once I think of it,She's the one who was giving me dirty looks.Sadly,this pretty girl is ruined by a bad personality.

"Are you dating any of them?"


"Exactly.Dont tell what I can and can't do."I said sassily;I was annoyed by her existence.I turned around and threw away my towel I dried my hands with.



Once I got back to class Eun Bi looked upset.So I go over to her and bend down to her.

"Whats up, you look sad?"I asked and she looked over at me.

"Soon Ah is after you."

"What do you mean?"I asked in curiosity.

"She said you threatened her in the bathroom.Did you?"She asked hopeless.I sighed~

"No she threatened me for hanging out with the guys.She must have twisted the story.Do you know anything about her?"I asked and she sat up and nodded her head yeah.

"She likes Jimin quite a lot."She informed quietly.I sighed and looked off in frustration.

"Of course she does."I whispered to myself.What is this some cringy movie?So she basically doesn't like me around Jimin.I would understand more if they were a thing but they clearly are not.

"Stay safe, she's dangerous.She's a wolf thinking about attacking a rabbit."

I thought about it and the rest of the class came in.Including Soon Ah.

I went to sit down.I looked over at Eun Bi who looked worried for me.Then I noticed Soon Ah glanced at me with an evil smile.

What is her plan?What is she trying to do?

The Rare Two-Jimin ~(COMPLETED)~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora