Chapter 27

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October 7

"Dude I'm gonna kill myself." Eli walked into my room and started pacing around my room.

"You won't!" Janae yelled.

Of course, me being me, I couldn't help my self and started laughing. It was most likely a bad time to laugh but it was the way he came into my room panicking and shit.

"What the fuck, why?" I asked and he looked at me like I was supposed to know already.

"Nigga it's Izzy's birthday soon and I still have no idea what the fuck to get her. What do girls even like?" He exaggerated.

I rolled my eyes and went back on my phone.

"Janae." He called out to her.

"Hm." She looked up from her phone.

"If you were a girl, what would you want."

I looked over at Janae, trying so hard not to laugh at the look she was giving him.

"How about you take a piece of doo doo and put a bow on in and give it to her saying happy birthday." She smiled at the end and went back onto her phone.

"HA!" I screamed and dapped Janae up.

"Y'all are no help. Imma ask Lavar."

"Lavar? Nigga if you don't go downstairs and ask my dad stupid. You know damn well Lavar would cut on yo ass if you asked for some dating advice witcho black ass." Janae said, rolling her eyes.

"True." He closed my door and I looked over at Janae.

"That boy is whipped as hell." I said and Janae made a whipping sound causing me to laugh.

"Yerrr Melo in this bitch!" I heard from downstairs and Janae got up.

"That's my cue to leave." She opened the door and immediately Melo walked in.

"Awe look at my baby!" He lifted my chin and placed a kiss on my glossed lips.

"You act like you didn't just see me yesterday." I wipe some of the lip gloss of his lips so he won't be looking fruity.

"Yeah but I don't see you in school since you like beating on people's children." He mushed my forehead back and I pinched his arm. Who the fuck he think he pushing like that.

The school suspended me for having that fight because she snitched to the school talking about how I'm harassing her and causing a distraction to her education.

Yeah okay. No one told her to act like a little kid over a nigga that's not hers.

Melo is my fucking baby. I wouldn't want to be with nobody else to be honest with you. He treats me like a fucking princess and I would be a whole retard to give that up.

So anyways they suspended me for a week.

"Yeah whatever, that's why she got her ass beat." He laughed and shook his head.

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