I'll buy you a Twinkie

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Gabe still couldn't remember anything that had happened that night, since he had been quite incredibly drunk the whole time.

Felicity Barnes' Party, one and a half years ago...

"Gabe, I have to get you home now. We have to go." Sighed Dav exasperatedly. He was still bitter about not being able to drink, but it couldn't be helped since he was leaving for a holiday in Canada the next day, and he had a plane to catch.

"Mmmm fine here. Wanna stay." Gabe slurred, the enormous amount of beer making him sound like a whiny four year old. Dav sighed, and pulled his friend up and away from the party, half dragging him out of the large house that was currently being trashed by a bunch of drunk teenagers.

"Noooo, wanna stay!" Said Gabe, weakly beating on Dav's back as he was carried to the car.

"I'll buy you a Twinkie," Dav tempted him, deciding that if Gabe was acting like a child he might as well treat him like one. It was surprisingly effective.

"Yay, Twinkie!" Gabe chorused.

They stopped off at a 24 hour convenience store to buy some painkillers (Dav assumed Gabe would have pretty devastating hangover in the morning) and a Twinkie. Up until this point Dav had been ignoring everything Gabe had been saying, but now he was getting him out the car he started to listen.

"You know what Dav. I'm gay! I'm really gay, I bet youuuu never knew that. I've toooootally always liked guys, girls are just so... They're just so icky, I mean really. La la la la la. Wait. That convenience store guy is cuuuute. Mmmm."

This was pretty shocking information to Dav, but when he thought about it a bit he decided it was probably just the drink talking. Even if it wasn't he wouldn't really mind, but it was likely this was just a side effect of the beer. He went off to find the things they needed, leaving Gabe by the checkout, hoping that they could get home soon and forget about the whole incident. On reflection, this probably wasn't a good idea.

By the time he came back Gabe was looking much better, he seemed to have sobered up a lot. However, he was also wildly making out with the checkout guy, so it was likely he was still very drunk. How they had even got to the point where both their shirts were off in the time it had taken Dav to collect two items was beyond him, however judging by the loud moans coming from both of them it wasn't a decision either of them regretted.

Dav marched up to them and pulled them apart, much to the disappointment of both of them.

"He is very drunk," said Dav, looking at the slightly guilty checkout guy, who he assumed had started the whole thing.

"And you, are being very irresponsible."

"It's not my fault," protested the blushing checkout guy.

"He just came up to me and started kissing me. Besides...he's really hot. I'm not going to stop him."

Dav internally face palmed. Of course Gabe had gone up to a random guy and started kissing him. Because there was no way THAT could have ended badly. However it did cement Gabe's claims that he was gay. It seemed that his best friend had been playing for an entirety different team all along.

"I made out with a checkout guy? I am never getting that drunk again. Plus how come you never told me this?" Gabe demanded, once Dav had finished his story. Quent hadn't looked overly delighted when it came to the bit about him and the checkout guy, but some things couldn't be helped.

"Meh, I figured you'd tell me sometime. Took you a while though. Wait, you don't have a crush on me or anything do you?"

"Hell no!" Gabe cried.

"No offence dude, but I don't like you that way. You are firmly in the friend zone."

"Also, he has me already," Quent added.

"So you two got together? Finally, the sexual tension between you guys was actually quite sickening at some points. But I need to get off the phone now, my credit's running low. See you later, bye." He called, hanging up.

Gabe was extremely glad that his best friend had been so supportive, but now came the real challenge. Tonight he had to tell his mom, and effectively, everyone she'd ever met. He was shitting himself.

Double figures! And this was a pretty long chapter as well. I forgot to put an author note at the end of the last chapter, but remember to vote and comment if you liked it.

The next update will probably be late (I usually update every week) because I am in SPAIN!!! But I'll try to update as soon as I come back, I'm only going for six days. The response to this story has been amazing so far, thank you to every one of my readers, over 700 reads is incredible for me.


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