How they surprise you ♥

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Comes home earlier than expected so he can go to your house and surprise you.


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Even when he's away he sends you little gifts and a lot of times when you get home there's surprises for you.

Even when he's away he sends you little gifts and a lot of times when you get home there's surprises for you

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Appears in your classroom with flowers when you expect him to be in LA.


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Does a big thing on your birthday and either spends all day with you in a place of your choice or makes a plan with your friends, when he's away.

Does a big thing on your birthday and either spends all day with you in a place of your choice or makes a plan with your friends, when he's away

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Writes you a song and letters with the most important memories and moments of your relationship.


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Hi!!! Again I'm sorry for not uploading more but I have lack of time and lack of ideas. If you have requests you can send me.

I have another book now, it was kinda like a backup book, I never thought I would post it but I did and I'm proud of it. The characters are the same because I have this idea of their personalities and so the names fit them. If you could check it out I would appreciate that.

 If you could check it out I would appreciate that

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That's the cover. I hope you enjoyed the imagine ♥♥

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