Your Hand

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I fell in love with your hand
The hand that saved my mother from dying.
When I first saw you in scrubs
It wasn't your face that attracted me but your hand.
For it was the hand of a savior, an angel, a hero.

Everytime you intertwined
Your fingers with mine
and we walked together across the street
With our hands clasped tightly,
The emotions I felt
was incomparable.
Because I was holding the hand
Of a savior, an angel and a hero.
Everything was beautiful.

At the day we tied a knot,
It was your hand that I first touched.
It was your hand that touched
The corners of my body.
It was your hand that pleasured me.
The hand of a savior, an angel and a hero.
Everything was in its right place.

After years and years
When we had a fight,
When you shove me into the kitchen sink by accident
As you say it was like,
It was your hand that pushed me away.
It was your hand that shove me.
But it's okay.
Because it was a hand of a savior, an angel and a hero.
Everything was under control.

After months and months
The kitchen incident happened,
When we had a fight for the second time,
When you pushed me down the floor
And I bumped my head on the center table.
Blood forming circle in the side of my head
My cut hurt but it wasn't the only thing that's hurting.
It was your hand that treated me.
The same hand you used to hurt me.
The hand of a savior, an angel, a hero.
Everything felt heavy.

The third time we fought,
And you used that same hand you treated my cut
The same hand that held me
The same hand that pleasured me.
The same hand that caught me.
The hand of once a savior, an angel and a hero.
I forgot everything good and remembered everything worst.
My idea of love was stained because of your hand
The hand I fell in love with
Was the same hand that made me question why I have loved a monster
In the first place.

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