"No Brant!"

He stared at me and I shook my head.

"She will never speak to me again because I did the one thing I promised her I wouldn't do. I left."

Brant was silent and I didn't say anything. Suddenly, he shot up out of his chair, threw on his coat and left, slamming the door hard enough to shake the walls.

I tried to wipe away the tears on my face but new ones took their place. I royally fucked up and in return, I broke my own heart.

But what was more important was the fact that I broke Claire's heart.

I sobbed and ran my hands through my hair, tugging.

I sat there, crying all through the night, waiting for Brant to come back or for Claire to call me back, but neither happened. When the sun began to shine through the window I stood up and began to call Claire again, more worried than before.

The sun was up and she could be outside.

When there was still no answer from her I began to call around. I called her mother who had no idea where she was, but told me she'd call me if she heard from her. I called Andrew who said the same thing, and I even called Summer who told me the same thing.

I decided then that it would be best if I took a shower and got sober if I wanted to find Claire so I took a shower, ate some food, and took a ten-minute nap with my phone clutched in my hand, hoping that I'd be woken up by a phone call from Claire.

I was woken up by a phone call, however, it wasn't from Claire.

"Hello? Claire?"

"Yo Ace, how's it going?"

I sat up, not believing the male voice on the other end.

"Jackson why in the hell are you calling me?"

"Oh, because your brother here just came and told me he wants out of the business for good. I thought it was safe to assume that you talked to him again since you hate me after what happened last time."

I stood up, searching the apartment for my shoes. Holy shit Jackson what are doing?

"You sent me to jail Jackson. What have you done with Brant?"

He chuckled.

"Me? Oh, nothing. He's here and he's fine. Your girlfriend on the other hand..."

I froze, my heart crashing in my chest. God no, no, no please no.

"Jackson where's Claire? What have you done with her?" I growled.

He laughed.

"Ace my friend, you should know better. We both know better than anyone else not to get attached to women. What's wrong with you?"

"Jackson, I swear to God if you hurt her – "

"Relax, relax Ace. I don't have her. But thanks to your little brother's detective work I know exactly where she is."

"Where is she?"

I heard some muffled noise and Jackson yelling.

"Here's the thing Ace, that stuff's top secret. Of course, there is a catch. You know that I love to play games so, here it is. You have an hour and a half to save your little cupcake or else she's mine. And Ace? She looks very delicious from the view I have of her."

Before I could say anything, he hung up the line and I began to hyperventilate. I threw my phone across the room before punching the wall a few times.

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