Chapter One: I'm a Master Chef

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The repetitiveness of my days is what kills me. Waking up and knowing deep down that today is going to be absolute hell and there's nothing I can do to stop it

I can hear my phone vibrating against my dresser where I left it last night, maybe if I ignore it it will go away and I can keep sleeping.

It's not going away. The damn phone needs to knock it off can't it see that I am trying to get my beauty rest here? I kinda need it. Okay, more then kind of. I really need it if I don't want to look like a beached whale.

"Answer your goddamn phone Rory! Or choose a slightly less obnoxious ringtone!"

Geez. That's my roommate, Alexa. I guess you could say we're best friends. Well actually she's my only friend.

I roll over grumbling to answer to my phone. Great. It's the main bitch of my school, I wonder what she wants with me? That was sarcasm by the way. I know what she's going to say. She texts me every morning to remind me how much of a fat loser I am. I mean, like I don't aready know? But calling? This is new.

My finger pauses over the answer button, cause I know as soon as I hit it my day of hell with officially begin.

"Hello Cassia"

"Listen here you little bitch. Don't think for one second that I forgot about your little stunt yesterday"

Urghhhhhh. Damn I actually forgot about 'my little stunt.' She obviously didn't. I may have accidentally on purpose punched her in the face after she tripped me in the cafeteria and made me spill all my food yesterday. Not that I was planning on eating any of it, but i didn't appreciate having to sit in gross clothes for the rest of the afternoon. And in my defense she deserved it! The amount of shit that I have put up with from this bitch is remarkable. I'm actually really surprised I didn't punch her sooner.

"Well good morning to you too."

"Shut up and listen to me you little whore. Just wait till I see you in school today, you are going to wish you were never born. Oh wait! You already do. I mean who would want to live being the stupid, fat, attention-seeking whore that you are. We all now that you cut, you little emo freak."

Okay. Ouch.

"Thanks for the reminder Cass."

"Don't you dare call me Cass you little piec----"

Yeah. Thats right. I hung up on Cassia. Call me a rebel.

"Did you just hang up on her?"

" Yeah. It's way to early to deal with her bullshit Lex."

"Dammmnn girl you just gave yourself a death sentence."

"I realize." Sighing, I turn around to look at my alarm clock, cringing slightly when I read the time.

6:30 in the morning. Definitely way to early to be dealing with anyone's bullshit.

I was about to pass out on my bed and resume sleeping, but I realized that today was my day to cook breakfast for everyone. In the orphanage that I'm in the bigger kids have to rotate who has to cook each meal. It's a system that the owner, Donna, created mainly cause she's a good for nothing bitch that doesn't really give a shit about any of us.

So instead of crashing back on my bed, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. When I got there little Chase was sitting on the counter. Chase is one of the younger kids here, and personally my favourite. He's like 6 and the most adorable thing in the entire world.

"Hey there bud, what cha doin up so early?"

"I got bored. Sleeping is boring. Let's play!"

"I can't right now, bud I gotta make breakfast."

"Can I help? I am a good chef!"

That's what I love about Chase, I don't know why but I swear he's always in a good mood.

"Sure thing. Let's go see what we can make."

Looking around the kitchen, it becomes obvious that no one bought groceries again. I'm pretty sure that no one has bought groceries in like three weeks. That's how lazy Donna is.

"Sorry Chase I guess we are going to have to have cereal ." For like the billionth time in a row.

I got some out for everyone, I don't know why cause I'm pretty sure most people can pour their own cereal, but I did anyway and said bye to chase and ran up the stairs to get ready for school

"That was fast." Alexa said when I got back to our room.

"I know I'm a master chef." I said as I walked past her and in to the bathroom, pausing to grabs my blade from the shelf

Yeah. I know what your thinking. Cassia wasn't just making fun of me when she said that I cut. I actually do. I don't know if she actually knows or if she just assumes, but either way she mentions it enough.

After locking myself in the bathroom for a long enough time to miss breakfast, cut a few times, and try to make myself look decent (which is kind of impossible) I was shoved out the door with the rest of the children to head off to school.

Time to face the day!



So that was the first chapter, I'm new at this so comment if you like it and don't worry! Drama and Demi will be introduced in a bit!

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