Chapter 5 - The Kryptonian, the Lesbian, and the Thespian

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"But...?" Kara echoed.

"Until we know it is nothing, just keep an eye on her. Why don't you have lunch with her today, maybe even see if she wants to have dinner. She's supposed to be learning about the media biz from you. Maybe you could suggest you make it a working lunch?"

"I could do that."

"Not too much working though," Alex quickly added. "Just the right amount of working with the right amount of socializing added in. Can you do that?"

"Uh sure. Lena's my friend. We always socialize. I'll see about lunch and dinner with her. Good ideas. Thanks, Alex."

"Great and I'll...ugh." Alex turned toward the bathroom again. "You okay sweetie?"


"Yeah, I've got to go, before Maggie finds where I hid her service revolver and takes the easy way out of this hangover."

"Yikes. Okay, keep me in the loop about what the DEO finds out about Lena, okay?"

"Will do. Bye, little sister."

"Bye, and thanks again, Alex."

Disconnecting, Kara put her phone down on the desk and turned to look through the glass wall of James' office where Lena was going over photos for the next magazine with him. She looked back and forth between them, smiling to herself. With a big breath, hiking her shoulders up and letting them fall, Kara rose and almost bounced as she came to a stop just outside the entrance to the office.

"Knock, knock," Kara said as she stood smiling at the open doorway. "Do you have a moment?"

Both people turned to her, but it was James who said, "Sure, Kara, what do you need?"

Stepping into the office, Kara replied, "Actually, I wanted a moment of Lena's time. Lena?"

"Oh, certainly. What do you need, Kara? Something about a story?"

"No. I mean, not exactly. It's more like..." Adjusting her glasses, Kara slid a bit closer. "Do you have lunch plans?"

"Not in particular," Lena admitted.

"Great. Have lunch with me?"

Checking the time on her wristwatch, Lena replied, "Isn't it a bit early for that? I know you have a healthy appetite, but I don't even put cream in my breakfast coffee."

Kara snorted with laughter. "Cream...breakfast coffee. Lena, you're funny. James, isn't Lena funny?"

"Uh, hysterical." James smiled oddly at Kara. "It is pretty early for lunch, Kara, even for you."

"Right. Not lunch, not now I mean. Later though, would you like to have lunch with me later, Lena? I thought we could go over some notes I've taken on past articles. We could discuss the stages of an article...if you wanted."

"Well, that sounds lovely, Kara. I can have Eve get us reservations at—"

"No." Head shaking, Kara smiled nervously. "We'll get more done here, don't you think? I can pick up our usual lunch order from Noonan's, and we can eat here around noon?"

"Sounds lovely. Is there anything else?"

"That's it. Good luck with your photo spread."

"We don't need luck. We have Jimmy's photographic genius," Lena said reaching over and gently touching James' forearm.


James nodded. "Talk to you later, Kara."

"Right, talk to you later...James." Heading back to her desk, Kara sat and watched Lena and James return to the photos as she muttered to herself. "Why is she calling him Jimmy? I thought he hated that nickname."

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