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Sorry I haven't updated in the right time, but I'm writing another fanfic and I had an writers block.

~Keith's POV~

When I woke up, a wave of coldness wrapped around me. I wanted to get up, but sharp pain made me lay again and the memories from yesterday came flying.

I had my face in my hands, when Lance woke up. "Keith? Is everything OK?"

"My ass hurts like shit..."

"Why? O-oh..... Sorry." be was kinda lost, but then his memories cane again too. "A-are you still in heat?" he asked. This is embarrassing.

"Y-Yeah .... But it's not that intense like yesterday." *internally screaming*

"Want me to get Coran?" he was definitely worried. "You can just sleep." I gave him a nod.

He came back after ten minutes. I was laying in bed, thinking and the sheets were on the floor. I felt hot and still horny. And the pain was growing worse and worse. I hate this....

"Hello Keith. Lance told me what happened. Are you OK?" oh. I hope he didn't tell him about yesterday.

"Yes." my answer was straight forward. From my torso down, there was pain. This isn't just from yesterday. There was something more.  "Just... A little.... Pain." I breathed out. It hurts too much.

"Keith, don't lie. I can tell that that's not 'just a little' pain. I can see that something isn't right, so tell me the truth. Please." Lance said, sitting on the bed.

"It... It really.... Hurts...." I bit my lip, not to make a sound.

"Oh, so it's happening." we looked at Coran. "You're finally changing completely. If I'm right, you should grow a tail."

"W-Will it hurt... Like.... Like last.... Time?"

"It should be  a little less pain, but I got some painkillers, that won't for galra." he put a small container on a nightstand. "Take one every four hours. Bye!" he said and walked out.

"Something growing again?" I growled and took one pill out of the container. "I hope this won't kill me." I muttered under my breath as I gulped down the pill with little water. I laid down and covered myself with covers.

Lance laid down too and I snuggled to his chest, falling asleep peacefully.

~time skip, 'cause I'm lazy~

I... I've got a tail.... Well.... That's new.

For last week, I've been growing tail and thanks to those painkillers, it didn't really hurt. And don't have to just lay on bed all day.

today, Lance was on a mission and I was in the common room with Allura. We were quite.

When I wanted to go back to my room, Allura talked. "I'm just letting you know, that I still don't trust you and if you're going to do something to my paladins, I'm going to kill you." she walked slowly to me as she was talking, and I was backing away from her, until my back hit a wall. She grabbed me by my neck and lifted me up. I was gasping for air, clawing at her hand, but she didn't even twitch. "Don't you dare to do something to Shiro. And Lance. And Hunk. And Pidge." Her grip tightened and my system was loosing air. "And if you will tell someone about this, I'm going to kill Lance in front of you and say you did it." she let me go.

I was gasping for air, shaking like a leaf.

When I finally crawled back to my room and locked it, I was really dizzy and nauseous. I get to the bathroom and locked the door, not wanting anyone here.

I hid in the corner of the room, next to the toilet, curled up like a ball. I was still shaking and still terrified.

In an hour, after multiple knocks on the door and attempts to open the door, it broke. But I was still liked up in the bathroom. I heard someone call my name multiple times, until someone tried to open the door here.

It broke down again. I curled up even more, shivering again. "Keith!" Lance called out to me and crouched down next to me. "Keith, darling, you gave us a shock. Are you OK? Is everything OK?"

I shook my head and sunk deeper into myself...

Cruel life, Happy love [klance]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz