"I love you so much" he said grabbing me into another hug.

"I love you too" I whispered.

We pulled from the hug and then I remembered what dad and Justin said.

"dad said you have his blessing" I smiled.

he looked at me for a minute and then smiled back,"good"

"My brother said it wasn't your fault either." I whispered.

he looked at me confused and I sighed,"he told me you still blame yourself. That you think you killed him. You didn't. He was never there, but he said he heard you and to stop blaming yourself."

He grabbed my hand and I held onto it. I felt something cold and hard on his finger. I looked down and saw a ring,

"where did you get that?"

he looked down to see what I was talking about and then back up to me,

"it was ricks. He gave me his sayin you were upset I didn't have one."

"and he gave you his wedding ring?" I asked surprised.

"ya shocked the hell out of me too." He whispered.

i smiled and then laughed at the memory of my brother. He looked at me like I was crazy,

"what ya laughing at?"

"Justin also said if ya hurt me, he'd be ready to kick your ass whenever you get there"

he chuckled,"why the hell do people keep threatening me? He's the third person that threatened to kick my ass if I ever hurt ya."

"Scared?"I laughed.

"nah" he grunted.

i arched an eyebrow and he smirked, "we'll seein two of the 3 are kids shouldn't be a problem, but I'm never plannin on hurtin ya."

I smiled and kissed him again. He grabbed onto my neck and began kissing me harder. He started to push me back onto the cot when a pain in my stomach started to burn. I cringed and he noticed and stopped,

"you ok? What's wrong?"

i sat up and lifted my shirt to show my stomach. I looked down to the name of the devil that was now permanently placed on my stomach. I was hoping he didn't cut deep enough and it wouldn't scar, but it definitely was. Tears appeared in my eyes as I looked down at my body. It was now all full of scars and bruises. I looked terrible. Daryl noticed my starring and quickly pulled my hand away from my shirt. My shirt fell back down. He lifted my chin with his arm and made me look at him,

"don't cry."

"but daryl look at me. My body is ugly." I cried.

"you listen to me those scars show how strong you are. What you have lived through. You're beautiful and no damned scars are ever gonna change that about you. Don't hide it from me." He said.

"how do you know?" My voice cracked.

he stood up and I watched him confused as he took off his shirt. I mean I wasn't complaining, but what the hell was he doing?

He leant back down to me,

"did I ever tell ya how I grew up?"

i just shook my head. I never thought about asking him. It seemed like a sore subject. He smiled and turned around so his back was facing me. My eyes widened and I gasped as I saw the scars all across his back. I traced them with my fingers and he flinched at first but relaxed.

"My dad was a dick." He sighed. "No one knows about but em but you and Merle."

i remained silent and he turned back to me and grabbed my hand," so don't be embarrassed by yer scars. You aren't alone."

i smiled at him again then sighed,"I just wish I could get his name off of me."

"Don't look at it. I promise you I will make that man suffer." He said sternly.

i smiled and nodded at him. He quickly put his shirt back on and began kissing me again. We stopped when we we heard footsteps running to our cell. We looked towards the door when Maggie ran in with everyone else behind her,

"thank god!"

i smiled at her as she ran and hugged me.

"Told y'all can't nothin kill a dixon but a dixon." Merle said.

i laughed,"hey Merle"

"hey little sis" he actually smiled which surprised me at first.

Herschel made his way to me smiling, "how you feeling sweetheart?"

"sore but I'm ok" I smiled back.

"good you have us all a scare. Never thought daryl ever got scared." He joked.

daryl grunted and everyone laughed.

"Well I want you to take it easy for a a few weeks and I mean that ok?" He said.

i hated not being ale to do anything. It made me feel useless but before I could answer daryl cut in,

"she will. I'll make sure of it."

i playfully glared at him and Herschel laughed," I know you will. Well like I said before Im happy you are ok."

"thank you Hershel." I smiled and they all began to leave the cell.

For the first time I got a good look around the cell, I saw a sleeping bag that didn't belong to me or daryl.

"who's that belong to?" I asked.

he looked over and saw what I was referring to,"carl. He stayed in here every night with me. Rick stayed last night too."

"how long have I been out?" I asked afraid to know the answer.

"Bout 3 days." He whispered.

"oh" I whispered and I yawned.

"no way in hell you can be tired." He grunted.

"but I am" I whined trying to lay back down on the cot.

He grabbed me and playfully pulled me back up,"nope I ain't ever lettin ya sleep again"

"daryl!" I laughed.

He quickly jumped onto the cot and layed down next to me," ill let ya sleep if ya promise I'll get to see her eyes again in a few hours."

"I promise " I smiled.

he kissed me on the forehead and wrapped an arm around me as we both fell asleep.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now