He wears a black military cap, and a dark uniform. His white hair sits like a mop atop his head. Instead of the bright violet eyes which I knew all to well, he has scarlet eyes instead. 'Red like the blood of anyone who dares breath on me,' he says.

He stops abruptly, and I walk right into him.

"I forgot to formally introduce myself," he reminisces.

I nod, waiting patiently for his name.

"Egil!" He smiles, before continuously dragging me along.

I stumble after him, unsure of our destination. I already asked him, but he wouldn't tell me. I sure hope it isn't somewhere creepy.

The pavement we walk along appears similar to what I would find in the real world. We appear to be in a suburban area, with the exception of small horse and cattle here and there. Where are we...?

Did I mention that the horses had black and white spots, whereas the cows pelts were vibrantly colored with the browns, blacks and grays that the horses would usually have.

Iceland makes a sudden turn, causing me to slightly fall off balance. I look down at my feet and one of my ankles doesn't look right. Egil must have noticed this, too, because he scoops me into his arms and carries me into the barn, a slight grin on his face. Damn this guy is strong.

I can't escape now.

A horrifying sight surrounds me. Weapons, torture devices, photos of people, photos of me, and in the middle of the cluttered mess, a figure sits, tied to a chair.

Vladimir Braginski.

A look up at Iceland, bewildered. Why, of all people, is he here? I wonder.

What happens next, I will never forget.

He sets me down on another chair, set off farther to the side. He strolls over to a table with an array of metallic objects spread across the top. He pics up a few different items, weighing them in his hands concisely. He picks up two things.

A knife, and a spoon.

Vladimirs eyes shine far too much. He has tears in his eyes which he struggles to hold back. One falls and streams down his cheek. His eyes hold a look of panic like a lost animal. What happened to the Russia I knew?

He isn't the one I know.


My sensitive readers may skip this part.


He giddily skips over to where Vladimir sits, weapons of choice gleaming under the light of the barn.

He stands behind the chair, Vladimirs immense frame partially covering Egils face. His eyes sparkle with intense insanity as he pulls the taller mans hair back. Iceland takes his knife and gently slices across his forehead, at first.

At first.

Oh, it gets far worse than that. Eventually, he cuts deeper and deeper into Vladimirs forehead until his skull becomes visible. The bone is covered in blood.

Unfortunately, these people won't die. Vladimir sits, screaming his head off. At this rate, he probably won't have a head once Iceland is finished.

I sit, an expression of complete horror plastered across my face.

Iceland peels the skin from Russia's scalp off, along with his silvery-blonde hair. He screams even louder than before, an insanely panicked look in his eyes.

Speaking of Vladimirs eyes...

Iceland takes the spoon and shoves it if to the mans eye socket, carefully scooping out the organ. By now, Russia has fallen unconscious.


I sit in a fetal position, shaking. Is it over yet? I don't hear screaming anymore.

I peek outside of my shell. Iceland stands at the sink, cleaning his weapons.

Vladimir stands near him, mopping the blood from his face with an old rag.

My ankle is already healed by now, but I still don't dare try to escape. He scoops me into his arms, despite my protests and explanations that I can walk, and exits the barn. He has a cute smile on his face.

I almost wish Iceland was actually like this, except for butchering a man before my eyes.

I try to wriggle free of his strong arms, but he keeps catching me playfully.

(A/N) BTW, every time I read your comments, I subconsciously read them in a British accent. So, according to my subconscious, you are all British.

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