The mantlepiece doesn't have any of the photos my parents have taken of me, the TV and the table are gone, the ornaments around the room gone as well. It makes me sad, seeing my home like this.

"Come on sweetie." My mom says, taking my hand. "You'll like the new home, I promise."

"Sure," I mutter under my breath as she drags me to our car. As soon as I am seated, I plug my headphones in. The best way to drown my sorrows is by listening to my favorite music.

My dad gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. I look at my house for the last time, capturing the last moment of it.

The lawn is neat with the flowers growing, a sold sign was pitched on the grass. The actual house looks new and ready to be loved again. Just not by me this time.

I sigh as I begin my journey to my new life, already missing my old life.

6 hours later

I hate traffic. No, I despise it.

Of course, we get stuck in traffic after a major accident. I honestly don't think luck is on my side right now. We had to wait at least two hours to get out of the chaos and let me tell you, it was a nightmare.

I'm not the only impatient person in my family, my dad is just as bad as me. He spent the majority of the time cursing at the cars in front of us and then blamed the GPs for making us go onto that particular highway.

"Well, would you look at how beautiful the house is?" My mum cheerfully says as we stop at our new house. When I say house, I mean mansion. I honestly don't know why they bought a house that looked like it was built for about ten people.

"Sure." I agree, opening the car door and stretching my limbs. I went through several moments of pins and needles due to sitting down for too long.

The mansion—I mean house—had a color theme of white, with all of the bricks being white, the doors painted white etc. The garden is pretty though, perfectly lawned, with flowers sections in the middle and in front of the house.

There are three steps that lead to the double doors, with two statues standing at the front. If you ask me, it looks like we are walking into a celebrity home.

Inside the house, there is a staircase, with the living room to the right and the kitchen to the left. The dining room is behind the kitchen and the laundry room was situated after the corridor that passed the basement door and the dining room. The rooms are all massive, way too big for three people.

"Why don't you go and choose the best room sweetie? I believe there are four to choose from, excluding our room." My mom sweetly asks as she takes her sunglasses off.

I nod my head and head up the staircase. The house smells like lavenders, which I find odd. Why would someone try and make the house smell of lavenders?

On the landing, there is a mini table that would be filled with one of my mom's precious ornaments. There are two corridors going in opposite directions. One way leads to three rooms, one being my parent's room which has an en-suite. Another being the spare bathroom and a study room.

I start walking the other way, passing the extra cupboard that would be filled with blankets. The walls are painted a beige color and some paintings of natural places hung where there was room.

The first room I pas doesn't really take to my liking. It is a tiny room that would be used either as a guest room or my library. The second room is a bit bigger but I still don't like it. It is a rectangular room that has a walk-in wardrobe, a desk, and a double bed. That would be the main guest bedroom.

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