A White Clover Promise |11|

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"It feels great to be off that bed," sighed (y/n) contentedly,taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

"I'm betting you'll only last five minutes before you're there again," guessed Zen with a chortle,"Shirayuki,I think it's best if you reserve a bed specially for (y/n)."

Shirayuki laughed,glancing at (y/n),who shot a mock-angry glare at Zen.

"I'm betting three," joked Shirayuki.

"Hm. Makes sense. I'll bet two minutes then."

"Thirty seconds."



"Half a second."

"Right now."

"Eat,you goofs," said (y/n) mid-laugh,exasperation evident in her voice.

(y/n) reached into the straw-woven basket and pulled out two sandwiches,shoving one each into the herbalist's and the prince's mouths,who both gave a muffled "mmrph!" in protest.

The blue-eyed male took a bite out of the sandwich and teased,"There's nothing to be ashamed of,a picnic's not fun without a couple of injuries right?"

"Just eat."

Shirayuki put down her sandwich and sighed,"Mitsuhide and Kiki should've come along,so we could all have fun together."

"Well,they had duties," Zen said,cocking his head to one side.

"I guess it's because they're responsible and dutiful,unlike someone I know here," (y/n) said,flashing a look at Zen and smiling cheekily.

(y/n) stood up and dusted her hands off,announcing,"I'm going to go look around and see if the bird is still around here. I'll be back in a bit."

"Wait,I'll go with you," Zen hastily got up and followed on (y/n)'s heels.

Shirayuki gazed at the duo disappearing into the trees,and looked down at her hands.


Not long after,Shirayuki's ears perked up at the light pounding of footsteps,and (y/n) came into view,peeking from behind a willow tree.

"Shirayuki,Zen and I split up to find the baby bird,and while I was searching I found something really cool. Come with me!" (y/n) exclaimed,yanking on her friend's shirt sleeve.

Shirayuki briefly looked at (y/n)'s excited expression before smiling a small smile. "Um..okay then. What is it?" she inquired.


The two females squatted down in front of a patch of white clover plants.

"White clovers mean 'a promise',right? We used to do this when we were kids,and yours was always just a bit loose,while mine wouldn't twist in the right directions," (y/n) reminisced,her eyes misting over.

The blacksmith with (h/c) hair gently plucked a white clover and twisted its stem around her right pinky finger,clumsily tying the end of the white clover ring in a knot.

Shirayuki blinked,and answered,"oh...right. Yes. We did."

Shirayuki did the same as (y/n) did,but on her left pinky,and a slightly bittersweet smile crossed her face. The herbalist put her pinky finger next to (y/n)'s,comparing the two white clover rings. (y/n)'s was a little lopsided. Shirayuki's was,like those she made when she was young,on the verge of springing straight again.  The blacksmith leaned over and fiddled around with Shirayuki's ring,managing to tie a small knot that would stay in place for a couple of days,tightening Shirayuki's flower ring.

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