Extra Chapter

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Zen sat at his table,bored,scrawling his signature over sheets and sheets of snow-white paper repeatedly,his fingers rubbed sore. His left hand was propped on the tabletop,his cheek resting against his palm. 

"Kiki," Zen's voice rang out,breaking the silence,"are the flyers all given out?"

Glancing at Zen,Kiki paused,her long,elegant fingers resting on the spine of a thick,dusty volume. 

"By now,it should be," She gave a short answer,pulling said book out of its place and adding it into the stack of paperbacks in her arms.

She glided to and fro in silence,putting the books back into their proper alphabetical order. Dusting her hands off,she shot Zen a meaningful look. "If I may ask,why did you send the messenger to give out those flyers in the first place?" Kiki queried,pressing her shoulders to the wall.

Zen flinched under Kiki's cold,x-ray stare and set down his quill much too quickly. 

"I have Obi off to do another task,so I had to use someone else," Zen stated rather hesitantly,pretending to be casual,stretching out his arms.

"I'm not talking about that."

Shakily and slowly,Zen phrased his sentence,"it'll be convenient to have a royal blacksmith,don't you think?"

"The weapons we use in the castle are imported and there is not a shade of shabbiness in the quality. Essentially,the process of Clarines importing weapons is at a...convenient pace. Thus,I am puzzled as to why you'll request for a royal blacksmith,"rebutted Kiki promptly.

"However,I have a theory,though I am not entirely sure it is correct," Kiki delicately added.

Zen felt a jolt of electricity course through his body at that sentence and he felt his hairs stand on end. "The-theor-th--" Zen stuttered,mouth opening and closing,but no words forming.

Composing himself,Zen straightened up,stressing,"it is entirely for convenience and easy access. Entirely."

"I'm not entirely convinced,though," Kiki commented casually,swinging the oak door shut as she left Zen's study.

The Blacksmith (Zen Wisteria x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя