Acquaintances of Fate |4|

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I chased behind my father as he swung the door of the workhouse open.

"Pa,teach me how to make a sword!" I whined.

"Next time,(y/n),next time,Pa's busy now," My father said,grinning at me and brushing the top of my head with one hand.

I was chasing him.

"PA!" I called desperately.

My own footsteps rang loudly in my ears.

Or were they? 

My eyes flew open in a flash,and I sat up,straight as an arrow,my (h/l) (h/c) hair swaying from the motion. 


I instinctively jumped to my feet,grabbing the hilt of my rapier with my (your dominant hand aka writing hand),my other on the scabbard.I quickly drew my rapier,my eyes squinted to spot who it was.

A girl donning royal attire with blonde hair tied into a ponytail was racing across the field of grass,until she glimpsed me. Her pace slowed,and her sharp,dark blue eyes were full of surprise. Strange looks were passed between us,and my right hand slacked its hold on my rapier as I took in this strange new lady. 

Until a tall male,a bright,excited grin on his face,darted past the female.

 "Ha! Beat you,Kiki!" He yelled,turning his head to shoot the blonde-haired female a triumphant look. 

Without knowing he crashed right into me,and I,taken by surprise,failed to dodge and slammed right into a brick wall. From the impact,my rapier was knocked out of my hand and it clanged loudly to the ground. I held an arm up to my face as I hit the ground with a sickening thud,the male with sea-green hair slumped over me.

Miss Blondie raced forward and yanked the male off me. I was kind of thankful for that,I was starting to get uncomfortable,but instead of helping me up,she drew her sword,the metal blinding under the sunlight. She positioned herself in an intimidating attacking stance,keeping her ferociously piercing stare on me,her sword's tip dangerously close to my nose,her knees slightly bent. 

Huh. Rude. And quite scary,honestly.

She swiftly looked me up and down. "Approximately (your height). (e/c) eyes,(h/l),(h/c) hair. (f/c) robes,and a (f/c) cloak. Estimated (your weight). Mitsuhide,she fits the description the patrol guards gave us," The blonde-haired female growled,moving her sword closer to my throat.

The brown-eyed male sharply inhaled and half-drew his own sword,inching closer to his female companion in a protective manner.  


They were from---

"Under the restriction of Clar--" The guard bellowed,but I cut him off by disarming him of his sword in a quick move of my rapier.

Tanbarun often imported goods from--from-- it must be--

Clarines? The big neighboring country of Tanbarun?

They're wearing royal colors and that is definitely royal attire. Those guards from last night must've told these two about me because I disarmed one of them,and they had their guard(no pun intended) up.

"Who are you,and why are you wandering around the forest? You attacked one of Clarines's patrol guards last night,didn't you?" The blonde-haired Clarines royal guard interrogated.

"I'm looking for a friend,and I'm a blacksmith from Tanbarun. I didn't attack that oaf," I explained,rolling my eyes as I used the female royal guard's choice of words,"I simply defended myself because they had their guard up and casually pointed their swords to my throat,like you're doing now." 

The Blacksmith (Zen Wisteria x reader)Where stories live. Discover now