Clarines |5|

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The sharp stabs of pain in my back did little to dent the awe I felt as the bustling kingdom of Clarines greeted me. I jogged around a horse carriage that rattled along the cobblestone path,drawn to the many shops and different people on the streets.

Bending over to survey an open-air fruit stall,running off to ogle hungrily at the glittering jewels displayed proudly at a shop window. Jumping a step backwards as a group of women exited from the shop,chatting animatedly. Smiling softly at three small children clinging onto their mother,whining for candy. 

"Welcome to Clarines," Mitsuhide said,a smile appearing on his face as he stood beside me.

"Yes,indeed. Welcome. There's an inn around a turn over there. After you've settled down we should go back to our duties at the palace," Kiki said monotonously,gripping Mitsuhide's and my shoulder,firmly maneuvering us into the right direction. Being steered around by Kiki was not fun,I thought sourly,wriggling uncomfortably.

Kiki shoved us through the inn door,wiping her hands down on her black tights. She strode forward,leaning over the counter. "Clarissa. Room for one," She ordered,jabbing her finger in my direction.

The lady with her black hair in a bun,Clarissa,nodded and crouched down. Gentle clinking of metal could be heard. She rose,a single key attached to a metal chain in her palm. Pushing the key over the counter,she smiled kindly at me. "Haven't seen you around before,dearie," She affectionately addressed me.

"I'm looking for a friend in Clarines," I told Clarissa lamely,who nodded meaningfully as she led us up a flight of steps and into a tiny,cozy room. 

My little adventure suddenly seemed pointless. If Shirayuki was in Clarines,I wouldn't need to worry. She would definitely make a living in this gigantic city. Kiki impatiently dragged Mitsuhide away after helping with my unpacking,stating that "without any supervision Zen was probably going to run away from the castle to try jumping off a cliff",which Mitsuhide replied to with a weak laugh. The duo left the room,the wooden door clicking shut behind them.

I gazed out of the window,my eyes widening when I saw a flash of red. Hurriedly,I pushed the window open.

"Shira--" I began to call out,but my voice died in my throat.

Shirayuki had a hood over her hair but the tails of her vivid red locks peeked out from below. She was carrying her straw-woven basket,smiling and talking to a male who caught many stares from the villagers.

Clarines. The castle. Shirayuki who doesn't need me anymore.

"Sounds like the perfect foundation for a love story between a Prince Charming and a princess with red hair," I snorted,lying flat on my stomach on the bed.

I'll probably go back to the workshop in Tanbarun after my wound gets better. My wound. I heaved a deep sigh,fumbling with the clasp of my cloak,tracing my finger over the long horizontal slash on it. My shirt was in a similar condition. This sucked. Going through the forest once more would be a nightmare. I wouldn't need to worry about Shirayuki. She most definitely went through the same route as me,and Clarines... 

The perfect setting for a love story between a Prince Charming and a princess with red hair.

Yeah,I needn't worry,I thought sleepily as I curled up on my bed,drifting off into a slumber.

Shirayuki,the princess with red hair.

Me,the minor character whom the prince asks for directions to the princess's house.

Turns out,I wasn't all that wrong about the classic love story,was I?

Turns out,I actually was.

The Blacksmith (Zen Wisteria x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz