End notes

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I'm sorry that this story ended the way it did. I'm sorry it didn't have a happy ending and I'm sorry that it ended abruptly.

Before I move on from this whole story, I need to say a few important things.

Please, do not cut yourself or inflict any self harm towards yourself. I'm saying this because as a person who had done it before, it can get addicting. Even after years you thought you were over your cutting phase, it'll come back. You'll feel this urge in the back of your head to just grab a razor and to tear through your skin. So don't do it. Don't start, and if you already did, please stop as soon as possible. It's not healthy.

Also, suicide is another thing that was mentioned in the story, though it wasn't a super big part of the plot. Don't do it, get help, talk to just anyone. I know everyone says that, but it's true, it helps so much to just have someone listen. I've also been suicidal, I have suicidal thoughts, suicidal tendencies, but I'm trying to get help and I'm trying to change my mind set. I'm trying to get better. I get suicidal thoughts still, I think about it daily, but I understand that it's not good to think that way, and sometimes just understanding that is good enough. I know things get hard, things will always be hard, but push through and let it out.


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