Third Eye Awakening

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For many people, opening the third eye proves to be quite the challenge. Why? People want to open their third eye and then expect immediate results that never show up. Then when it "doesn't work", they give up.

Here's the thing, friends. You're not going to get immediate results. You also have to make sure you're meditating the way you're supposed to, that you're completely focused. Meditation is not clearing your mind of all thoughts. It's focusing your mind on a specific task. Don't worry if you can't completely clear your mind because your not supposed to!

How do you meditate properly then if you've been doing it wrong this whole time? Answer to that is fairly simple. First you want to find a quiet and secluded place. You may decorate that place however you'd like, but none of that is mandatory. Sit comfortably, you don't need to sit in the stereotypical position that most people think of when meditating. That position is to make sure your energy flows all the way through your body, reaches your finger tips and toes, then gets sent back coursing through your body rather than out into the atmosphere around you.

Once you've found a comfortable position, it is your choice to find meditation music to listen to. The music must be calming and without words. It can simply be sounds of nature as well. Whether or not you choose to listen to music, next you need to close your eyes and focus. Control your breathing as well. Take in a deep breath and while you breath in, imagine you're taking in the good energy, the positive, calming energy around you. Imagine it coursing through your body to your base chakra. The red one located where your tailbone is. As you breathe out, imagine you're letting go all of that stress, all of that negative energy and excess thoughts. Cleansing your mind of all the clutter. Continue this for a couple minutes, or roughly 20 repetitions if you don't want to keep track of time (which is probably good). Next, continue the same focused breathing except this time, imagine that energy going to your orange chakra, located in your abdomen. Continue this for the same length of time you did the first one. After, continue doing the same, but sending your energy to your yellow chakra, then green, then blue, then purple, then finally indigo each time you breathe in. When you get to the indigo chakra, imagine this energy going to the chakra, then back into your brain to the center of your forehead. Imagine your third eye opening.

By the way, your third eye is not a literal eye, nor is it located in the middle of your frontal lobe. It is actually located just behind the brain stem near the center of your brain. Also, if your head starts hurting at any time during meditation, stop it and try continuing later on after a day or so. It takes time and practice.

Continue this meditation every day if you can, starting at roughly 10 minutes. As you go on, you should find it easier to focus each time and you can eventually start increasing your meditation time.

How will you know if it's working? You may feel as if your forehead is swelling or you may get headaches after a while. If this headache is located in the center of your forehead, don't be alarmed, it will most likely just be your third eye opening.

If the pineal gland isn't located in the frontal lobe, then why do I feel pain in the center of my forehead? I honestly don't know why, but this is what happens. You may possibly experience deep headaches that you can't quite pinpoint the location of. This may also be a sign that your pineal gland is being "activated" or you have accessed it and can now use it.

Even after your third eye is open, meditation is critical to continue because like many other things, if you don't use it, you lose it. You may become weaker if you don't practice with this newly born ability. You may start seeing things or hearing things that you never noticed before. You may be able to Astral project, you may start seeing auras or feeling emotions that aren't yours. Yes this will all be stressful at first, but through practice, you can control the anomalies and get better at focusing your energy. You may see it as a curse, but it is actually quite the amazing gift. Don't abuse it.

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