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Q: What is it like to be an indigo child?

A: Honestly, it has its ups and its downs. Sometimes I see it as a gift, other times I see it as nothing but a curse. I hear things from my guardian; my inner guide. Sometimes people will believe I'm crazy, sometimes people will leave my life because I'm "too weird" for them. Sometimes I don't accomplish the things I want to and it's devastating.

Other times when I can prove myself to people in reading their auras or telling them how they feel or what they're thinking and they actually think it's cool, those are times I cherish. The people who stay by my side and accept me for my "weirdness" and who I am.

I'm the only indigo that I've ever met, and maybe one day I'll meet another of my kind. Who knows?

Q: Is it possible to become an Indigo child?

A: No, it's something a person is born with. Although in time, the third eye can open itself but for a normal human being, it will never ever be fully opened, so it's likely that a normal human will never be able to see things on the level that an indigo can

Q: Can I open my third eye? If so, how?

A: Yes, through specific meditation. Many people can't focus deeply enough to be able to actually meditate, so it will be difficult. Also, no. Don't listen to what the YouTube videos tell you XD.

Q: how do I know if my third eye is opening?

A: you may experience headaches, a sensation of heat in the center of your forehead, a throbbing pain in your head, etc. You must remember that no, you will not physically be able to see your third eye because you're third eye is really just a thing near the middle your brain called the pineal gland. Everyone has it, but not many people can access it or use it or "activate" it per say.

Q: If I don't want my third eye open after it starts opening, what can I do to close it?

A: The sad, but honest truth is for you to just ignore it. Stop meditating, take melatonin at night when going to sleep, completely ignore your physical health (undo any recent changes you made to open your third eye), because your physical health has a lot to do with your spiritual health, diet and exercise wise. You can care for yourself still, but if you did increase workouts or change your diet to help your chakras, you can choose to keep doing that or you can stop. It will have little effect on your third eye, but it will majorly affect all other chakras.

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