The Perks Of Being An Indigo Child

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As an indigo, there are many set backs, but there are also many positives. You will be able to tell when people are lying to you and sometimes what they're thinking or feeling and exactly why they react to things the way they do. Reading people is easier than it ever has been for normal people. (Not that being a normal person is bad, because it's not.)

People will not be able to get away with things when you're around as long as you just fully pay attention to what's going on. You will notice changes in behavior and feelings and thoughts within people. You can read their auras or learn to, you can do amazing things with your creativity whether it be through art, engineering, mechanics, whatever! You're an over achiever and will succeed in life! All as long as you put your mind (and your actions!) To it!

This is a gift if you're lucky enough to be an indigo child. Although it may be a curse at times, keep your head up, look forward, and help people. That is a goal you can have that will never end. So you will never be unhappy anymore knowing there is always someone you can help.

Now go, get out there, and do something great!

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