Good News "Blog"?

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10-14-17 10:55am
I met another indigo child last week! Finally, someone I can relate with, and he's nice.

10-22-17 8:55am
Oh wow, look at the times😂. Anyways, meditation REALLY helps relief stress and calm down. I'm feeling very happy today!

11-11-17 9:26pm
Happy veterans day, I hope you've all taken at least a minute to honor those who fought for your country and freedom. 😊

It's a sad day for millions of Americans as net neutrality is repealed. The good news? The decision made is not permanent and can be changed by congress and thousands of people plan to take it there and regain net neutrality. This repeal's days are limited, folks!

So on March 20th, the last male white rhino in existence passed away. His name was Sudan, and he was 45 years old. He was put down after he became too weak to be left alive. He was put down in a reserve in Africa that afternoon, I believe. On the bright side, literally, there is a species of bird that lives in the savanna. It's beautiful colors help it to camouflage, since most animals of that biome are colorblind. It's called the Lilac Breasted Roller. Look it up!

I have met a couple more indigo children. Amazing people. I also met someone who knows a ton about spiritual things and Hinduism, but is not an indigo. He likes looking for them and meeting them though.

Volunteer at a dog rescue if you get the chance! You can have fun while making a difference! Same with Habitat for Humanity! I plan on doing more of that in the future.

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