Day 75

236 9 2

We're all back at Home, last night I helped Mark dump Chris into the ocean, really far into the ocean, but not too far because Mark is terrified of even going out there. Chris is gone though. I lay in bed, watching Mark rip out the carpet off of the ground, the soak, tinted bloody carpet. I stare, and I feel my stomach softly.

"...I'm gonna head to the store, to get another test to make sure it's still here." I say, sitting up as Mark looks up at me. "..Do you want me to get you something?"

"You can bring me." Mark says, and he stands up, and steps onto the piece of carpet and grunts as he rips it from the ground.

"...Sure..." I say, I'd rather be with him then alone really. He nods and walks over, taking my hand as he drops the knife onto the ground since I don't think we'll need to bring a knife with him to the store.

Unless he was that paranoid.

"Alright, Let's go then." I say, smiling at him to hopefully make him smile, but he hardly smiles back.

I tell myself it's 'cause he just killed someone, and it's one of the most logical reasons... But what if I'm wrong?

What If because of what happened, that O got his doggo hurt, that he had to kill someone, he hates me? 'Cause it's my fault, all of my fault, I said something, I showed up. I kept replying to Mark.

I should've never replied.

My smile fades, and I look away, as I start walking, and he is to follow. We leave the house to head to the store.

(Y'know wazzup.)

We arrive at the store, and I walk in and grab a new test immediately. I want to make sure it's still alive, and that a dead baby isn't in my stomach right now. Mark watches as I do, and I look at him face. I can already see the pained expression, if his child was dead. I walk to the cashier, and set it down.  This was the same Cashier as before.

"Buying another one? Didn't you buy one a couple weeks ago?" They look at my face as I look back at there's. "Like, did that last one come up as a no?"

"No, It came up as a yes." I say. "...Just, something bad. Can I please just buy my thing?" I say, and they nod. 

They take my money and I take the test, and look down at it, staring for a moment before I wave at them and walk back over to Mark.

"...I got it." I say, looking up at Mark as he nods. 

"You wanna grab anything else? Or we can go somewhere else... Somewhere you'll be comfortable."

"Home is fine Mark, thank you for thinking about me though. You're one of the first people who ever has."

He stares, and nods. "...I know." He says, and I smile at him, hoping to get one from him this time, but once I realize it doesn't work I sigh and start walking out of the gas station.


We arrive back home and I walk quickly back to the bathroom. Of course, I lock the door behind me, and I sit down, the headaches and terrible feeling from the morning sickness is still here, but I'm pretty sure that's what happens after anything.  After I take it, I check what it has to say, and I sigh in relief. It's still positive, and so I smile, not much though, but I leave the bathroom with it in hand.

"Mark." I say, and Mark walks up to me, giving a concerned look.

"..Is it?"

"Alive? Yes."

He gives the same sigh of relief I did, and reaches over, hugging me tightly. "Oh thank god." He says, nuzzling his face into my hair as I hug him back. "I was worried.."

"...Yeah, so was I..." I say, my hugs are a little bit weak compared then usual.

He looks down at me. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy about that?"

I look up at him and nods. "..Yeah, Just... Do you still love me?"

He stares and sighs a bit. "Of course I do. Nothing is your fault, (Y/N). I'm still the happiest man alive to be with you." He says. "At some point I'll have to take you on another date to show you how much I do, don't I?" He asks, and I shake my head.

"Don't waste your money on me, Mark."

"I won't be wasting anything, I'll be using it on something I'd want to. And that is on you." He says, forcing a smile, in which I understand why he hates it when I do that.

I hate it when he does it.

"...Sure..." I say, looking back down, and he pulls me back closer to his chest.

"I really do love you, whatever happens, I will always."

"...I'll wait till that changes... But I love you too." I say, and I can tell he frowned. 

"..It won't.." He lets me go, and puts his hands onto my shoulders. "Can I cook you something? Like that food you've been craving can be in it."

I nod a little, sighing softly. "Yeah, Thank you Mark."

"No problem." Mark says, leaning forward and kissing me softly before walking into the kitchen, and I walk to the dining table, and sitting down.

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt