The End.

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The Twenty year old man, Timothy, walks over to the two graves stones of his mother and father, taking his father's black hair, and his mothers (Your eye color) Eyes. He sits down in front of them, holding the violin in his hand.

"Hey Mom, Dad." He says, talking to the grave stone with the engraved names.

(Y/N) (Middle Name) Fischbach, and Mark Edward Fischbach.

"I decided to take up violin, kinda like how dad took up guitar. And did that song for you, mom." He says, stammering a little. "...I-I decided to sing this song for you, 'cause I love you. And I wanted to thank you, for everything you've done for me. You've saved me, and your story has made me want to live... I wish I didn't turn out like mom though in those circumstances." He glances down at his long sleeved arm, and looks back at the grave stones.

He takes in a deep breath.

"...Here it goes."


You taught, me the courage..

Of stars, before you left.

How light, carries on.Endlessly, Even after death...

With shortness of breath, you explained, the infinite. 

How rare, and beautiful it is, to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.


...You taught, me the courage...

..Of stars, before you left.

How light, carries on. Endlessly, even after death.

With shortness of breath, you explained, the infinite.

How rare, and beautiful it is, to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.




With shortness of breath, I'll explain, the infinite.

How rare, and beautiful, it truly is..

That we exist...

Timothy hics a bit, having started crying and haven't noticed the suited man sitting beside him, but he couldn't care..

"I still remember that day."

Timothy pauses, holding his breath.

"The day, your mother sacrificed her useless rodent life, for your useless rodent life. A sickening grin sprawls on the mans face, as his bloody tipped fingers lock. "A car crash, when you where ten. Off the road, of a highway. Your mother was the only one alive, and you and your father, MARK, died. She called for help, for hours on hours... But no one dared to come." The man turns to look at Timothy, who doesn't dare to look at him. "...She stayed there for three days with your rotting corpses, starving to death, until I came."

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora