Day 32

401 17 18

"Are you fucking SERIOUS MARK?" I listen to Tyler yell, as I hug Mark tightly who's back in the bed, me still sitting in my seat, Mark hugging me back with one arm. "You could've gotten fucking killed! But you decided going alone was the GREATEST idea!"

"Well If I hadn't he'd probably do worse!"

"Like what? RAPE HER AGAIN?"

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST TYLER STOP!" Ethan yells, Tyler glancing over and glaring at Mark before he walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Mark hugs me tighter, as I listen to his rapid heart beat, clearly he was pissed over this, a fight was NOT what he needed, but all I do is hug Mark tighter. Ethan stomps after Tyler, to probably have a serious talk about it, as Kathryn isn't there. Me and mare have been left alone.

"I-It's okay Mark..." I say softly, quietly that is, as I look up at his, mostly at his jawline since I'm in that position, so I just move up and hide my face there.

"No, It isn't. He shouldn't have mentioned that." Mark says, in a low tone of his voice, and I only hug him tighter.

"It's fine... I'm used to bad things being mentioned..."

Mark pauses, and he rests his head onto mine. "That's not okay..." Mark says softly, playing with my hair calmly as I let out a quiet, shaky sigh into his neck.

"...I know..." I  say, and I move the rest of my body onto the bed, it aches a little but hugging him in the other way was getting uncomfortable.

When I do this Mark turns to his side, towards me and reaches both of his arms around me to hug me back properly. We lay there in silence for a while, before he lets out a soft sigh, his own being as shaky as mine once was.

"...I-I'm sorry." He says, and I lay in silence for a bit.

"...You shouldn't be... I deserved it--"

"No you didn't." Mark says, gripping me with his hug tightly. "You don't deserve any of this... I got you hurt 'cause I couldn't think of the clear signs that my stupid love would get you harmed."

"Mark don't blame yourself, I don't need to be talking to another me." I say, accidentally making a joke with the 'another me' thing. "You didn't know this would happen."

"...I should've known though." He says, nuzzling his face into my hair.

"No.. No one would've."

Mark moves back a little, looking down at my face and now I can see his back. I stare a bit, back into his chocolate eyes, the chocolate eyes I've missed, and I smile, with a real one this time, and he smiles back, but soon it fades away and he sighs softly. "...It still feels like this is my fault..."

I frown. "I know how you feel, I feel it all the time, but for you it isn't true. It was 'cause I listened to him and--"

"Listened to him? Were you talking to him?" Mark sounds a little agitated, and I shake my head.

"I-I didn't mean to. He just showed up... And managed to get me to reply to him sometimes..  didn't want to. I just did."

Mark growls and pulls me back into a tighter hug. "...Don't let him in... Don't talk to him..."

"Clearly." I say, shrugging slightly as I curl up closer to him, and he appreciates it, or at least I'm thinking so. There's a pause, before Ethan walks back in and Me and Mark looking over at him.

"I'm sorry about Tyler.. I just gets he gets mad when he's scared over actual serious things." He says.

"It's okay." I say a bit quietly, and Mark turns his head, muttering things, insulting things.

I'm hoping that I didn't destroy a friendship because I existed.

"...I'm sorry that he said that Mark, but he probably regrets it." Ethan adds as a reply.

"He better.."I hear Mark mumble, and he closes his eyes. "Ethan, when will I be aloud out of the hospital?" He asks.

"For a couple days, with that stunt you pulled probably an extra one, You were supposed to get out today but you decided to run around and open the stitches." Ethan says, frowning.

"Well no one else was going to do it." Mark says, looking over. 

"We were GOING to help."

"Yeah, well I didn't need it." Mark says, opening his eyes back up. "Can you get my camera? I need to update my fans so they don't panic.. Even though I'm pretty sure they will but they have a reason to know."

"Sure." Ethan says. "Stay here."  He jokes, before leaving the room.

I let out a soft sigh when he does.

"...We aren't gonna talk about him anymore, okay?" Mark says, and I nod.

"...Of course." I say, and I straighten my body a little more, but making sure I don't push Mark off the bed, seeing as it's small.

I dunno why I'm on the bed when you usually aren't aloud on them with patients in hospitals but the author says otherwise.

"Alright... I'm sorry that was such a terrible date." Mark says.

"Who said that was a date?"

"It was that bad huh...?"

"...No, It just wasn't a date. We should have a real one once you're out of the Hospital." I say, and Mark smiles.

"...Alright..." He says faintly, and we lay there, soon beginning to watch the television with horrible sound.


Ethan came back with a camera and a tripod, setting it up at the end of the bed. I'm about to get out of the shot, before Mark grabs my arm, and keeps me besides him. 

"I would like you in this one this time... You don't have to say anything, except for waving if I mention you."

I nod, and I lean back own into the seat besides Mark, and I look at the Camera.

"Ready?" Ethan asks, and Mark nods.

It begins.

"Hey, Guys." Mark starts, not starting with his usual intro, since this isn't really a place to say it. "It turns out I'm in the hospital, again," He rolls his eyes. "I had a.. Fight with some guy I guess some would say, and apparently I'll be in the hospital for a couple days. Once I can I'll be back to posting-" He pauses, trying to sit up a little since the position was probably uncomfortable, and he continues.

I kinda space off, not noticing throughout the whole video I was holding his hand and he was holding mine. I simply smile at the camera, looking at Mark mostly while he's talking. Suddenly he turns to me.

"And I have (Y/N) with me, aka as some of you know (Y/C/N)."

I look at the camera and wave my hand with a smile. "Hey." I say cheerfully, as if nothing terrible had just happened, yesterday or ever.

Mark turns back to the camera. "She'll be helping me around and such, yeah it was that bad but it'll be okay." I turn back to Mark for a second my fake cheerful smile still on, it probably has been on this whole time, and I didn't realize, since I'm so used to having it on.

Soon the video ends, with Mark and I waving at the Camera, and Ethan turns it off. Mark lets out a soft groan, leaning back a little. "I really hope they don't panic.." Mark says, looking over at me, turning his head as I nod.

"Well they probably will, if they noticed that." I point at the bandages around Mark's stomach, tinted blood over the bullet wound.

"Yeah... Probably." Mark says, and suddenly lifts my hand that was in his, and adjusts it slightly, gripping tighter and my hand now being a little closer to him.

I scoot over,  the chair moving a little closer as I do and I smile at him.

"How about we go to the movies for our next date?"

"Nooo." Mark shakes his head as I laugh a bit.

"What about to the carnival or something? I heard one was coming up at some point."

"...Yeah, that seems like a much better suggestion." He says, nodding a little as he reaches both of his arms towards me. "HUG ME." He demands, and so I do.

I always do as I'm told to. like a Good Girl.

I reach over and hug him tightly, and he hugs me back as well, like always, a bit tightly. I look at the television, from time to time we talk, making jokes and such until Mark falls asleep, and I fall asleep soon after he does, in my seat.

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now