Day Two

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Once again, another day. I manage to sit up from my bed and reach towards the ceiling, my fingers curling into fists like I was trying to grab something, like higher self esteem.


I get out of bed, managing to get out quicker than yesterday, and I open my phone, yet another video. I turn it on, staring. It was one of those where Mark was with Ethan and Tyler, and Mark starts talking. "Hello Everybody, My name is Markiplier and today we are doing another 'Change' Challenge!" He says. 

These always make me laugh, suddenly Bob and Wade step into frame with the stupidest things to wear. It was just comedy all around, especially Bob.

Oh God Bob.

Bob was always the one who brought in the comedy. Mark explained it to the viewers, to me, as If I didn't know already. I pause the video, the urge in my legs and arms reach to me once again. I walk out of the bedroom to my bathroom, to do what I did daily.

(Time skip)

Today I have a day off from work, and my paycheck tomorrow. I decided to just go on a walk today, walking past the park and everything else and such. It looked the same to me, Everyone else smiling with there kids, their loved ones. People on their phones, taking selfies, talking to friends. Everyone else enjoying themselves, except me.

I never had that, nor did I ever have friends, Or so I think. I always felt like they used me, since they never really cared about my problems. So I left them in the town I used to live in. Left them to use another helpless person, that poor innocent person. Or I could be completely wrong and left actual friends, but it's to late to go back now really. 

I sit down on the bench, staring at all the happy people around the park, wishing to myself that one day that could be me, but I was just day dreaming. That could never happen. Suddenly someone sits down besides me, I jump of course not noticing them at first, and I look over, as they chuckle at me. Mark gives off that same laugh he gives when he finds something hilarious, like how the small Fun-time Freddy's neck breaks in Five nights at Freddy's Pizza Simulator.

Yeah, He laughs at that.

"Oh jeez, you should see the look on your face." He says, wiping a tear from his eye.

I gulp a little, getting back into sitting posture. "...Wh-Why?" I ask.

"Why?" He asks confused, getting the laughter out of his throat. "Why I scared you was cause it'd be funny. Now why I came and sat by you is cause I recognized you, and you looked upset... Your name was (CTY/N - Close To Your Name (He messed it up)) Right?"

"It was (Y/N)." I correct him.

"Shit, sorry." He says, scooting up a bit. "Y'know I'm terrible at names." He says, shrugging a little.

"Yeah, Don't worry. I don't expect to be remembered by anyone." I say, as he starts staring at me.

I must've said something wrong, like the idiot I am.

"Jeez well that's sad." He says, looking away from me and at the happy people, as I do to.

"...What are you doing here, enjoying the view?" Mark says, looking at me as I do.

I nod looking up and down his body for the joke. "Huehue, Yeah." I say, and he starts to chuckle a bit as He brings his arms up to flex.

"Very sexy mans I am." He jokes back, and I can't help but to laugh back.

I've never felt this good about myself, at least I don't remember so. He actually paid attention to what I said and went along with it, something a lot of people I know don't do with me. But this is Mark, He wants to make everyone smile. And usually it works. He stops flexing as he lets his arms relax to his side, looking back forward. "It is a great day out though." He says, as I look forward as well, putting my hands into my lap, tugging at the edge of my long sleeved shirt to keep it down.

"Yeah... It is great..." I say, looking at the clouds and birds in the sky.

Usually I admired how sunny and happy the sky looked, but always disappointed that I could never look that Good, Physically and just in feelings. I look back over at Mark, just noticing that he was staring at me. Anxiety builds up as for the second we make eye contact, and I look back down. 

"...Hey, do you mind if I... Get your number?" Mark suddenly asks, a shocked jolt jumping inside of my heart as my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up.

Why would he want MY number? Out of all the people in the world...

"...S-Sure." I say, and I glance over at him for a second, a smile on his face. 

"Alright, I have a pen." Mark pulls one of his pocket, and motions it to me. "Just write it on my big bulky muscles." He jokes, and I crack a small smile.

I reach over and take the pen, and I write it down onto his arm, the full hopefully correct number.

"...Why though?" I ask, looking up at him as he looks up at me.

"You just seem like an interesting person, like you'd be a good friend." He says.

He's gonna use me, like everyone else did.  My thoughts go through endless possibilities, mostly the bad ones.

"...Alright." I say, as he takes the pen back. "...So do you always just carry a pen around?"

"Not usually, just today I thought I'd need it. I guess I did." He says, patting his arm lightly as he gives me a soft smile, me giving him one back, one of the fake ones that easily fooled people. Or it didn't fool them and they just didn't care enough to ask what was wrong, probably that.

"Well, I wouldn't really consider that a good thing..." I say, shrugging as he raises a brow.

"Well, Why not?" He asks.

"I'm just not a likable person."

"That's not true," He starts with the cheesy stuff he'd say from his videos, But knowing he means well, I try to open my locks to at least try to let in his probable lies, which seeing as I'm trying to let them in, It could be the truth. "You're a great person, You're actually not bad on the eyes to." 

A blush lights on my face as I look away flustered, him chuckling at me. "You have a great sense of Humor and So far all you've made me do is smile.. Well a few times you get a little dark but there's no humor without darkness in it sometimes... Can't really judge a book by it's cover either, secretive person."

He nudges my shoulder, The idea of Comedy and Darkness mixing into one not only reminds me of Wilford, but also  all the Comedians and happy joyful people who left the world by their own hand.


I giggle a little, fake of course trying to cover the thoughts. I look at him. "...I-I guess I have a good humor.." I say, saying it oddly feels not only good, but a little cold, like something doesn't want me to say it, Like I was lying.

"That's the spirit." He says, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into a hug.

I pause for a moment, my arms not wrapping around him as I stare blankly. It felt odd to be embraced, It felt great in all honesty. But I felt weak. His hugs where able to break the locks that blocked off my emotions, cracking my fake smiling mask only slightly, as if tears where to seep. I hug him back, clenching my eyes a little as I smile, this time finally a real one.

"Heheh, Spirit. Dark humor." I say, making myself sound a little stupid as he lets me go, smiling at me.

"Totally." He says, putting his hands back to himself. Suddenly, his phone rings and he's soon to answer, bringing it up to his ear.  "Hello? Oh Hey Ethan." He says, as I sit there in silence. I was told, taught never to interfere with calls... "Oh No I'm... I'm actually with one of my fans right now." Mark says, pausing a bit as I stare a little. He blocks the phone for a second. "Ethan says Hi." Mark whispers, before going back into the call. I smile a bit as I wave as a response. Mark stares a little confused on why I couldn't just say it, but tells Ethan anyways. "She says Hi back..." He pauses as Ethan talks. "Oh, Really? Alright, I'm on my way." Mark says, then standing up and getting off the call. 

"Sorry I've gotta go." Mark says, as I stand up.

"Yeah, I get it." I nod a little. 

It's probably just work, or he can't stand to be around me anymore.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later though. See ya (Y/N)!" Mark yelps, before running off towards the Van, waving at me as I wave back.

Then once again, left alone with the darkness to dig it's fingers into my mind, heart, and soul.

The itching comes back to my arms and legs.

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat