Day 51

251 11 1

"Rise and Shine!" I hear a familiar voice.

I'm tied to a chair as I look up, and around, blurry for a moment until I realize the man sitting in front of me. Black hair, brown chocolate eyes, he's handsome... Pink mustache?


Oh my god seriously?

"Ah, you look surprised." Wilford cooed, as he leans forward towards me.

"...Why am I still alive?" I ask, and I look down. "Why am I tied down?"

"Oh, sorry. Had to make sure you wouldn't attack me." Wilford gets up, about to untie me but pauses. "You aren't going to attack me? Are you?" He makes things seem suspenseful, as I shake my head. "Okay, goodie." He says, and reaches over, untying my hands.

As I am let out, I reach over and feel my wrists as he sits back down, crossing his legs.

"...Thank you, now.. Why am I still alive?" I ask, looking back out at Will.

"Oh, easy answer. Mark told me that he wanted you away from your dad, and so I came and got you. Man, the number you did on that old Bigot!" Wilford smiles and shakes his head, as I raise a brow.

"Why would Mark care about me? I want to die." I pause. "KILL ME WILFORD."

Wilford shakes his head. "As much as I want to, I can't. Mark made it a spot on rule." 

I groan, leaning back into the seat. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy." I whine. 

"'Cause he loves you." 

"That's stupid.." I mumble, and I put my elbow onto my knee, putting my head into my hand I lean back forward. "...So I'm going back to him?" I ask, looking at Wilford with my eyes, as he nods.

"...Are you going to tell him what I did...?" I ask, and Wilford shakes his head.

"Of course not, He wouldn't love you anymore if he knew.. He won't." Willford pulls up my note and waves it, I can tell it's mind by the bloody hand print sunk through it's canvas.

I sigh, and I nod a little...

"Where's Dark?" I ask, I don't know why I'm interested in him.

"Oh, him? Me and him got into a fight. He wanted you dead so badly just to hurt Mark.. It was like he was getting handed a piece of cake to him when you offed. But I'm here to make sure that DOESN'T happen, so it got pretty bad."

I frown, and I perk my head back up. "Why did you even help Mark? I thought all of his egos wanted him dead."

"The thing is, We can't hate him that much.. He brings us into his videos, keeps us alive." Wilford rolls his eyes a little. 

"...I get it." I say. "When will I see him?" I feel excited, trying to push away the fact I killed a man.

"Oh, tomorrow. I've got your things packed, and I discarded all of the evidence that it was you, for you." He says. "You might still be a suspect, but I taped a fake note saying someone kidnapped you so they take you off the suspect list, they wouldn't think Los Angeles." Wilford shakes his head and smirks, he thought this all out.

"What about Mark's friends, Mark ought of told them I was taken so they'd--"

"Nope, He's been in his house for these ten days. Making videos with fake smiles, reminds you of someone, right?" Wilford tilts his head, and I frown.

I stand up. "Alright... Well I'm already ready to go, So when it's time.." I say. "...Now, where's your bathroom?"

"Don't cut yourself," Wilford waves his finger at me, standing up like it's a joke. He points to his right. "That way."

I nod, and I head to the bathroom.

(This one's shorter then others, but iz okay.)

('Cause you'll have to deal with it anywayz.)

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu