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Another six months later.........

"Hey Freed! You feeling better?" Evergreen asked as she and Bickslow sat down opposite me.

"I'm actually feeling a lot better. And thanks to my own recipe, my wrists have hardly any scars. You'd pretty much have to look for several minutes and know what you're looking for to even notice them!" I said, smiling.

"Well, let's see them then!" Bickslow said.

"Let's see! Let's see!" Bickslow's tiki dolls chanted.

"Ok!" I said, chuckling. I rolled up my sleeves, showing hardly any scars at all.

"Damn Freed! You were right! You would have to know what you were looking for and several minutes to know that you were burnt by that bitch!" Bickslow said.

"How have you gotten on with your normal life since she got arrested and went to prison?" Evergreen asked.

"She was caught a week later Ever! I've moved on!" I said.

"Hey guys! What are you talking about?" Laxus asked, sitting in the seat next to me.

"We were talking about my scars and how I've been getting on with my life since the bitch who attacked me was caught!" I told him, cuddling up to him and resting my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

"Hello guys! You up for a job today?" Mira asked, walking up to our table.

"Yeah! What is the job?" Laxus asked, perking up.

There's a job asking for help hunting down an animal that's attacking the town. The one special request about this job is that they requested a Rune Mage be apart of the team that takes the request!" She said, holding up a flyer.

"Why is that?" I asked, being the only Rune Mage Fairy Tail has.

"They want a Rune Mage to set up enchantments to keep the animal is caught, they even wanted the Mage to use Rune Traps to help capture the animal!" She replied.

"So, what do you think babe?" I asked, looking up to Laxus.

"You guys feel up to it!" He asked.

"Oh yeah!" Bickslow said.

"Yeah! Yeah!" His dolls repeated.

"I'm in!" Evergreen said.

"What about you, my little Love Muffin!" Laxus asked.

"I'm in, but I hate it when you call me your Love Muffin!" I said, blushing.

"Sorry, my little Teddy Bear!" He smirked.

"Laxus! Stop embarrassing me like this!" I cried, looking down, trying to hide my burning red cheeks.

"Oh, come on! You know that I love you, and you know that you secretly like it!" He said.

"Maybe, but not in public like this!" I said, embarrassed again.

"I'll let them know you're coming!" Mira said, smiling. She walked away, towards the bar. After a few minutes, she returned. "You guys are all set!" She told us.

"Thanks Mira!" Bickslow said, smiling, and learing at Lisanna.

"Drooling much Bickslow?" I teased, speaking a little too loud on purpose to get Lisanna's attention.

"Quiet down man!" Bickslow growled, blushing while lowering his voice so Lisanna couldn't hear him.

"It's not like I blurted out her name as well!" I whispered back, leaning forward. Evergreen and Laxus laughed.

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