Chapter Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

"Wait, no I can't accept this puppy." I make no move to give the puppy back though. "I'm kind of at work right now and I don't think we can even have pets in the restaurant. Plus I can't have a dog at home! There is no way my parents will let me get a pet. Even if you are the cutest widdle ting I've eva seeeeen! Yes you are! Who's a good girl? You are, huh baby?"

I bring her back to my chest as I kiss her forehead again, smiling as she barks happily in my arms. But as I look back up the boy is gone, only an envelope left on the counter to show he was here. I shift the dog to one side as I grab the envelope and tear it open, pulling out a handwritten letter from inside.

"What's it say?" Allison asks, leaning over to try and get a peek.

I turn slightly so that can read over my shoulder as I read the careful handwriting on the paper.

"I wish I could have delivered this puppy in person, because I would love to see the smile on your face right now, but I couldn't miss practice today. I haven't named her yet. I knew that anything I could come up with wouldn't be as good as a name you could give her, so I figure I should leave that up to you.

I know you weren't expecting this, and maybe even you don't want any gifts from me, but I couldn't just sit by and watch you forget about me...

I know I've done a lot of selfish things in my life, but I'm trying to change that now. I hope it's not too late.

Some one close to me told me that I should start putting others before myself. So that's what I'm going to do with you. I'm putting you before me. Your needs before mine. Your wants before mine. And your happiness before mine.

So if this puppy brings even a small smile to your face, then I've done my job. I hope that maybe one day you can see yourself changing your mind about me. Until then, you know where to find me.



I put the letter down, the puppy wriggling actively in my arms as I try to digest what I just read.

"Girl," Allison says, her voice matching the shocked, yet slightly impressed, expression on my face. "If you don't want this boy, I'll take him. Is he 18 yet? You know what, doesn't matter. I can wait."

I laugh off her joke as I open the letter and read it again. My eyes stick on each of the precisely spaced words. What the hell has gotten into this kid? I've practically ignored him for the past week and he comes back at me stronger than ever? I put down the letter again, giggling as the puppy licks my face.

"Are you ladies going to get to work or—" Rob's voice screeches to a halt as he sticks his head completely through the cut out window. "Oh hell no is that a dog? What the hell is a dog doing in my restaurant?"

I smile at him as I scratch the puppy's head, eliciting another bark. "Oh Rob I—"

"Ah ah girl, you and that dog better get the hell up out of here!" Rob starts waving a dirty rag toward me, flicking tiny bits of lettuce at me. "I can't afford to have the health inspector come back in and change my health rating! Out, out, out!"

"But Rob, I still have an hour left of my shif—"

"Out!" He says firmly, pointing to the door. "Allison will take your tables. Goodbye!"

I look to Allison for help, but she just shrugs. I say goodbye to her as I grab my keys and leave the restaurant. I walk slowly across the parking lot with the puppy in one arm and the letter in my other hand.

How the hell am I going to tell my parents I got a dog? Oh my god they're going to kill me. Maybe they won't be home and I'll just be able to sneak the dog up into my room and keep her there for the rest of night and then take her to school tomorrow in my back pack and oh my god I need to get her food and a bed and—

I stutter to a stop in front of my van, spotting a bunch of things resting on the hood of the car. A plush looking dog bed sits in the middle of the hood, with a bag of dog food, some toys, and a combination water/food bowl inside of it.

I cover my mouth with the letter as I slowly walk up to the stuff; half expecting Shills to pop up out of nowhere and surprise me. But the parking lot remains empty as I stand in front of the van.

Wow, he really thought of everything. I unlock the van and place the puppy on the driver's seat before I grab the things from the hood of the van and place them on the passenger seat. I move her to the ground as I get inside the car and slam the door behind me.

I can't help but open up the letter and read it again. The person who wrote this letter isn't at all like the person I see around school everyday. But now that I think about it, the Shills I've seen around school over the past week isn't the same Shills I remember from a couple months ago, or even a couple weeks ago.

I wonder what changed him.

I start the car, which causes my puppy to back again, as she tries to jump into my lap. I smile as I start to back out of the the parking spot, and then I drive forward to pull out of the parking lot and head home.

Maybe...maybe I should give Jude another chance.

A/N Two chapters in one day???? Well technically this is two days, because I'm posting after midnight, but this is me making up for not posting yesterday! But what do y'all think? Who the hell gave Shills the idea to give Killer a dog?

Do you think this was a good first step for Shills to get back into Killer's good graces? Or does he still have a long way to go? How would you react if someone bought you a puppy?

You'll just have to wait and see what happens next!!!

Much Love,


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