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Sorry for taking so long, also this chapter sucks. Like a lot. I'm REALLY sorry...

Chapter 23

Amber's pov.

2 months later

Everyone seems happy again, I'm happy. For the first time in my whole life.... I'm happy. Which is so great. Kevin ad Nick are great. Sure, they fight over how hot Paul McCartney was in the 60's and how hot Robert Patterson is now, but they are happy. Riley and Rayne are actually so cute together omg. He literally does anything for her. She once was sick, so he came over and made her soup, got her pills, watched movies with her. He just did everything she asked for. Avery and Jake are just the best couple in the world! They are both so sarcastic and always cracking jokes. If they weren't together, I think I would have crushed myself.

Blake and I, however, aren't doing so well. We are fighting all the time, always sitting away from each other and we haven't slept in the same bed in months! I'm beginning to worry. What... What if I'm not good enough for him anymore? What if he is going to brake up with me? He can't! I... I love him so much. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and that was about the be ruined because all we ever do now is fight.

I can't tell you the amount of times I end up at Nick or Kevin's. Then he always gets mad that I left or that I told his friends about our fight. I'm trying to be good but it's hard when someone is yelling at you 24/7. I love Blake with all my heart but I don't know anymore. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I get up from the spot on my bed and open it. Ah, speak of the devil, it's him.

"Amber, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you! You really don't care, do you? Here I am, trying to find my girlfriend, yet you are no where to be found. Are you talking to another boy? Oh my god, you are! Am I not good enough anymore, is that it? I'm just some lame emo boy that you want to play with, is that it? God, I can't believe-" I cut off his heart breaking rant with a kiss on the lips. I moved my lips slowly, but he pulled back. "Kisses won't save you this time Amber! I-" I cut him off with another kiss.

He moved his lips fast and moved us so I fell on to the bed. We haven't kissed like this in awhile, it gave me chills down my back. I love him. I love him so much it hurts and he doesn't even care. I pulled back from the kiss and panted. "I love you, Blake." He stares into my eyes for a few minutes before going back to kissing me. It felt nice to have him at least want me, even if it's clouded by lust. But it all ended too soon, because he pushed off of me and left me there.

What is his deal? I don't get it.


Blake's pov.

I don't want to.

I don't mean to be a bitch.

It just kinda happened.

Ok, so I know why I don't want to be alone with Amber. It's because of what happened, what if she hate me for killing those men? What if I hurt her like my dad hurt me? I could be in the moment and not even think about it. I'm going to hurt her at one point and I don't want to. She is my everything and I don't want to hurt her now. I love her so much.... My poor baby kitten.

My baby kitten is so upset with me, but I don't know what to do to make it up to her. She is my baby kitten and I hurt her, but if I stay with her I will hurt her even more then I already have. She deserves better then me.

But today when we were kissing and she told me she loved me, I couldn't help but kiss her further. I loved her too, my sweet little angel. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, but also she is probably the hotest person that has ever lived! Holy crap, I don't even know if I can control myself around her anymore. This 'not being with her thing' is going to be the death of me.

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